𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝗏𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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She woke up in a bed, her legs were throbbing as well as her feet. She stretched her arms, hitting the bed frame as she heard someone moving around the room. "Hello..?" her eyesight was blurry, she remembered she had put in contacts but can't remember taking them out. She grabbed the nearest pillow, hitting what was next to the bed, hearing a groan.

"It's just me Y/n.." Sakusa looked at her, taking the pillow away as she squinted at him. "I can't see Sakusa and where are we?"

"You're at my house and I took your contacts out, it was a bit hard but I managed." she nodded, looking around the room quickly looking back at him. "Did I get drunk?!" he chuckled, handing her a clean pair of clothes. "Yeah, you're a lightweight aren't you?"

"Well I haven't drank since I started being a nurse— well school actually so I guess it just took a toll on me." he hummed, she grabbed the pair of clothes, getting out of the bed. "Where's the bathroom?"

"It's right there." he pointed to the slightly opened door in the room, she nodded, going inside as she gasped. "This is just..beautiful! Like those pictures you can find on Pinterest!" she heard him laugh as she changed. "Kotomi actually helped me with it, told me it was too plain before."

"Well she should definitely help me to decorate my home!" she put on the shirt, looking at herself in the mirror, her appearance wasn't as great, taking it as she just woke up. "I made breakfast already, was gonna wake you up but the pillow got to me first." he said.

"Sorry..by the way do you have any glasses or my contacts? I don't want to break anything." he nodded, heading to his bathroom, coming out as he held a pair of black glasses. "These are a bit old, I don't use them anymore so they might..work?" he placed them on her nose, moving her hair to the side. "Can you see?"

She blinked a few times, adjusting to the lenses, glancing around the room then to him. "Mhm! These are actually close to my prescription. I didn't know you wore glasses." she followed him into the kitchen, he placed a plate in front of her with a cup of water. "Thank you for letting me sleep over and taking care of me. How can I pay you back?"

"You're good, you being there yesterday was enough honestly." he ruffled her hair as the doorbell rang. "I'll be right back." she nodded, she grabbed her phone, noticing many messages from an unknown number, looking through them only to realize it was Komori asking if she was okay. She responded with a good morning, telling him that she was fine.

"Y/n! Morning!" Kotomi entered the kitchen woth her mother and father trailing behind. Kiyoomi was talking to his brother. "Morning! I should get going-"

"No no stay. We have to talk about you and Kiyoomi." Koemi smiled at Y/n as she slowly nodded. Kiyotoshi looked at his wife, giving her a look. "So Y/n, thank you so much for coming yesterday. It means a lot that we got to see you and the fact that you danced with our family is just so heart warming! But I didn't think you'd get drunk that fast."

"Oh I haven't drank since I started school—"

"So you drank before in high school?" Y/n laughed, hesitating as she drank her water. "Well you know how high schoolers are, plus it was only a few times—"

"A few times is enough to put you in harm." Koemi looked at Y/n up and down, noticing she had her son's clothing on. Kotomi gave Y/n an apologetic look. "To be frank, I don't think you're good enough for Kiyoomi. You may be a nurse but overall you're just not fit for him."

"Fit?" Y/n set her glass down. "As in im not the ideal of "perfect" for him? Is that what you're saying?" Koemi scoffed, feeling her husband's hand on her shoulder. "In any way, you're not fit—"

"I may have a few rolls here and there but it isn't going to hurt anyone. I may not be skinny enough for you but I am enough for myself, you do not get to tell me how "fit" I am in any way, shape, form or personality. Please look at yourself and do a background check before you get to tell me how "fit". Y/n grabbed her things, walking towards the front door as she left. Sakusa gave her an odd look, wondering why she was going outside. She came back, poking her head out of the door frame.

"Can you drop me off home..?"


𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 || 𝗸. 𝘀𝗮𝗸𝘂𝘀𝗮 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now