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Hey guys, Seros face has me dead xD anyway tell me some cool facts that you know :3

Deku pov ( 5 moths later )

I take a deep breath in as I stare at the door to 1A ' I can't believe I'm doing this ' I whine a little before opening the door. The first thing I notice is a guy with blue hair yelling at a blond for having his feet up on the desk making me quietly groan ' why me ?? '

I step inside and close the door behind me, a girl with short brown hair and brown eyes suddenly jumps infront of me making me nearly punch her nose in, luckily I stop just in time " oh my god, I am so sorry, you scared me !! I didn't hurt you, did I ?? "

She laughs a bit " no, not at all and I should be the one to apologize I shouldn't have jumped on you like that " I close my eyes and smile a little " I'm Ochako Uraraka, nice to meet you " " I know, GAH I MEAN !! NICE TO MEET ME TOO !! NO WAIT !! " I slap my hand onto my face and sigh " seriously Izuku ?? "

I hear her starting to laugh again making me blush slightly before looking up at her " Izuku Midoriya, is what I meant to say " " there's a chair near by me if you wanna sit there ?? That blond won't stop yelling, he seems so mean " I look up at her with a wobbly smile before looking back at the blonde.

I use my devil eyes to see his name, date of birth, death date, and quirk ' Kacchan ?? ' I tilt my head to the side a bit before looking back down at Uraraka " ah, sorry but, I like sitting by the window " " oh, well ok then, good luck with boom boom boi "

I close my eyes and smile as I walk over to the seat behind him, earning a few glances of people oviously thinking that I'm insane for sitting so close to him, but, I ignore them. I roll my eyes and look out the window with an annoyed sigh " I could be asleep right now but nooo I have to come to school don't I ?? "

" Ok listen up maggots " I perk up and look over at Eraser head with a slight smirk ' ooh this is gonna be fun~ ' he stands infront of his little brown podium, setting some papers down before talking again " my name is Shouta Aizawa and I'll be your homeroom teacher "

" Now, since I fell asleep instead of learning your names " I snicker " mood " I feel a couple eyes on me making me blush " I said that out loud, didn't I ?? Sorry " " as I was saying, you'll be going around and saying your names and quirks "

I watch as a blond stands up from his seat " my name is Yuuga Aoyama and my quirk is Navel Laser " " I'm Mina Ashido my quirk is Acid " " I'm Tsuyu Asui but you can call me Tsu, I can do anything a frog can, ribbit " " I am Tenya Iida nice to meet you all, my quirk is engine " " I'm Ochako Uraraka and my quirk is zero gravity "

" I'm Mashirao Ojiro my quirk s tail " " my name is Denki Kaminari and mine is electricity " " I'm Ejiro Kirishima my quirk is hardening " " h-hello I'm Kouji K-Kouda and my q-quirk is aniv-voice " " Hello my name Rikidou Satou and my quirk is called sugar rush "

" I'm Mezou Shouji and my quirk is dupli-arms " " sup, I'm Kyouka Jirou and my quirk is earphone jack " " my name is Hanta Sero and my quirk is tape " " Fumikage Tokoyami my quirk is dark shadow " " I'm Shouto Todoroki my quik is half hot half cold "

" Hello I'm Tooru Hagakure nice to meet you all, my quirk is invisibility " she giggles a bit " Katsuki Bakugou my quirk is explosion so don't get in my way if you don't wanna get killed " I roll my eyes and stand up " hello I'm Izuku Midoriya, my quirk is creation " I watch as Kacchan snaps around in his seat and looks up at me shocked

" I can create any quirk that I want " " Deku ?? " I ignore Kacchan and sit back down " hello beautiful ladies, I'm Minoru Mineta and my quirk is pop off " " hello everyone, my name is Momo Yaoyorozu and my quirk is also called creation, only I can create any non-living objects with the lipids in my body "

" Alright then, now that that's over, let's get on with class, take out you notebooks and start writing " After a few hours, the lunch bell rings making everyone stand up and rush off, I slowly stand up and start walking off boredly.

As I pass Aizawa I say " I could be sleeping right now " making him chuckle a bit " you and me both kid, you and me both " I snort and start walking off to the cafeteria till I feel a hand grab my arm harshly. Without thinking, letting my instincts take over, I grab the hand and flip them over my shoulder.

I stomp down onto their chest as I pull their arm and growl " what the fuck Deku !?!? " I blink a few times " Kacchan ?? " I let go of his arm and rub the back of my neck nervously " oops " he stands up and rolls his shoulder a little " sorry I, uhh, yea sorry " " we have to talk "

I roll my eyes " yeah, yeah, whatever " " don't you " yeah, yeah, whatever " me you bastard !! " I roll my eyes again and flip him off as I continue to walk " I'm hungry, so if you don't mind, bye Felicia " I walk passed an extremely shocked Kacchan making me smirk in satisfaction.

I grab my lunch try with Katsudon on it and sit down at an empty table, I give thanks and start eating when a loud slam makes me jump, I look up at Kacchan as he sits down glaring at me. I look back down and stuff some food into my mouth again.

" Where th- " I quickly cut him off by groaning " let. me. eEeAaAtTaH~ " he narrows his eyes at me " fine, but, next class is a free period, me and you are going to have a serious conversation Deku " " yeah whatever " we both start eating quietly, me reading Kacchans mind as he throws question after question at himself.

When I finish, I lean back into my chair and sigh, rubbing small circles on my stomach " man, when was the last time I had a good meal ?? " I hear Kacchan choke making me look over at him with a raised brow, he looks up at me " when was the last time you ate !?!? "

" Like, 30 seconds ago ?? " I hear him growl " don't play smart with me Deku, you know what I mean " " I ain't playing shit, last time I ate was, infact, a minute ago " he blinks once, then twice before looking down at his food " I'm going to the roof, later alligator " I stand up with my tray and walk off.

When I get to the roof I sit down at the edge and lay back with my eyes close, I sigh and roll onto my stomach, using my arms as a pillow. After a few minutes, I feel someone shaking me awake, I flutter my eyes open and look up at Kacchan annoyedily.

" What ?? " " What do you mean " what " !?!? You have some explaining to do !! " I roll my eyes and sigh as I snuggle closer to my arms " fine, ask away " " where the fuck have you been ?? " " Here and there and everywhere " he growls " that's not a fucking answer " I sigh again

" Seriously ?? What do you want to know ?? That dad left because I was " quirkless " and mom started beating the shit out of me because he left us ?? How I had to fucking run away when I was 8 because I was scarred she would kill me ?? How I had to live in the streets this whole time, living in random abandoned buildings ?? Is that what you wanted to know ?? "

I push my face more into my arms as he keeps quiet " go away, leave me alone, I hate people " " why didn't you come to our place ?? " " I don't know, maybe because that would be the first place she would go looking for me ?? " " She's been worried this whole time you know " " whatever "

" Deku " " go away, I hate socializing " he sighs " how did you get a quirk ?? " I grumble before turning my head to the side and glaring at him " I've always had it, the quirk doctor, or whatever, said I had to keep it a secret to keep my family and loved ones safe "

" what have you been doing this whole time ?? " I groan " so many questions " I start rubbing at my temples before sitting up " nothing, just trying to survive, now shut the hell up, you're giving me a headache " " don't fucking talk to me like that Deku !! "

Hey guys, so my grandpa took my brother to his house for the day and I'm so fucking tired, to be honest, I was falling asleep while writing this so sorry if it's a little bad xP hope you enjoyed 💕

1540 words

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