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I love Family Guy 😂😂 Anyway, I stubbed my pinky toe earlier when my 12 yr old brother pushed his chair back 😭 why me of all people T-T

Deku pov

When I wake up, I slowly flutter my eyes open before sitting up. I stretch my arms up over my head and ark my back a little to make it pop before dropping my arms and sighing out loud. I look over at the kids and smile softly before getting up and going to the bathroom. After using it, I walk out and check the time ' 5:29pm ?? Already ?? ' I sigh and start shaking the kids awake.

After a few minutes, we're all fully awake " what do you guys wanna do ?? " " Can we go to a park ?? " I smile and nod " sure " " yay !! " Ren fist pumps into the air making me chuckle a little before we walk out. I grab Ren by the hand as she practically drags me to the park while Akio just calmly walks beside us with his hands in his pockets.

I've noticed that Akio is much more calmer then Ren, who has way to much energy. She might have ADHD, but, then again she is eight years old, so, who knows. As we arrive at the park I let go of Ren, she grabs Akio by the wrist and they both start running off. I sit down on a shady bench under a tree and let out a long sigh.

I sit there for a few minutes, watching them carefully as they play and run around with other kids. After a while I call out for them and they both run over covered in sweat and dirt " c'mon time to go home " " kk " " Awwe, just a little longer, pleeeaaase ?? " I sigh and shake my head " maybe some other time Ren, it's getting late and we have school tomorrow, not to mention I have to work "

" Awwe maaan " she looks up at me with big watery eyes and a pout " don't even bother with that Ren " " hmph !! " She crosses her arms and looks away angrily, pout still in place. I chuckle and hold my hand out for her to take. We start walking off, stopping at a super market to get some cereal and milk.

Once we get home, I serve us each a bowl, we eat then I get them ready to sleep. Once they lay down and cuddle up into the blankets I kiss their foreheads and start getting ready to leave. I walk out, looking back at them for a few seconds to make sure that they're really sleeping before walking out into the night.

It's a rather calm night, nothing other then a purse snatching and stopping a burglary really. Once it's 4:46 I walk home and get ready for my nap. When my alarm goes off, we all wake up and start getting ready for school. Once ready, we walk out and head to the Elementary school first, I drop them off before heading to UA.

When I finally get there, I collapse in my seat, being grateful that I'm the first one here. I lay my head down on my desk and drift off to a small nap. I wake up when I hear a loud yelp, I jump from my seat, pocket knife in hand, as I look around searching for a threat. When I come up empty handed I lower my guard a little " huh ?? "

" Why do you have a weapon in school !! That is against rules and super dangerous !! I am going to have to tell Mr. Aizawa about this immediately !! " I shrug and put the knife back in my pocket " hold on Iida, shouldn't you be resting Midoriya ?? After the beating you took yesterday I feel like you shouldn't be here "

I look over at Ojirou and rub the back of my neck " well, yea probably, but, don't worry I've had worse " I smile nervously before Kacchan starts talking " the fuck does that mean ?? " I look over at him for a second before sighing " exactly that, I've been through worse " " how ?? "

I sit down with a sigh and slouch back in my chair before semi-answering " I've been in a three day coma due to bloodless, you don't need to know how " he narrows his eyes at me and let's out a small growl just as the bell rings and Eraser walks in.

Iida immediately stands up with his hand straight up in the air " Mr. Aizawa !! I have to tell you that Midoriya has a knife on him !! " He pinches the bridge of his nose and let's out a frustrated sigh " not again Midoriya, I told you not to bring that in here " " eh " I shrug and he glares at me making me smirk back at him.

After a few hours, it's lunch time. I walk up to the roof and sit down on the edge, taking out my bento lunch box and starting to eat while starring off into the distance. " Hey nerd " I jump slightly and look back at Kacchan " can I sit with you ?? " I shrug and he sits down beside me, taking out his own lunch and we eat quietly.

Once we finish I lean back on my hands and sigh " Deku ?? " " Hmm ?? " " Can I ask you something ?? " " You just did " I smirk as I feel him starting to glare at me " can I ask you something else ?? " " You already did " I hear him growl at me before talking through gritted teeth " can I ask you two things ?? " " Just did " " when !?!? " I feel my smirk widen " just now "

" FUCKING DEKU !! " He punches my side and I laugh at him " alright, alright " I let out a small giggle " what do you want ?? " I hear him let out a frustrated sigh before talking again " why don't you want to see aunty again ?? " I keep quiet for a few seconds before answering " I already told you, she turned abusive once dad left. She blamed it on me and started taking it out on me "

" Can I ask what she would do ?? " " .... " " You don't have to say if y- " " she would hit me for any small thing I would do wrong, she would make me starve. I remember on the night I left, she knocked me out by slamming my head into the wall repeatedly then put me in cold water with ice, I woke up who knows how long later and she still left me there for a few hours before sending me to sleep "

" I warmed myself up once she draged me out by my hair and I snapped, I packed my things and left, never looking back " " why did your dad leave, do you know ?? " I let out a small sigh and lay my head on his shoulder as I close my eyes " I'm not sure but I think it was because I was quirkless " " but, you do have a quirk ?? How did you get one ?? "

" I've always had it, the doctor said it was safer to say that I didn't " " why do you look so tired all the time and where are you staying ?? " " I have a night job, don't ask because I'm not telling you what it is, and I live near by here, I'm not saying either " I hear him sigh before grabbing my shoulder lightly from behind.

" You know she's been worried, right ?? " " Even if she is, I'm not going back " " you hate her that much ?? " " .... No " I feel him turn to look at me before I continue " I love her, and it hurts me just remembering that she hates me " " she doesn't hate you, she's been so worried about you all these years, wondering if you're ok, if you're dead or not. "

" I'm sure that she regrets everything she did in the past Deku, just, give her a chance " " I can't " " why not ?? " I open my eyes and a tear runs down my cheek before I slowly turn my head up to look at him " I-I'm not ready, t-to face her yet " I feel him wrap his arms around me, pulling me up to his lap " it's ok, I'll be here for you till you are ready " I grab his onto shirt and let out a small smile " thank you, Kacchan " " of course Deku "

Hey guys, I just wanted to say that, IT IS 12:03AM RIGHT NOW AND I CANT FUDGING SLEEP !! lol anyway, hope you enjoyed ❤️

1420 words

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