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Hey guys, happy new years!! As a late Christmas gift, I'll tell you a small story from my childhood (btw, I was a chaotic child xD) 

I remember one time when I was around 9 or 10, I'm not sure, I was living in an upstairs apartment with my mother and my younger brother, who was 4 or 5 at the time. I was outside playing with some neighbors, when the security guard came to check something that wasn't working in my apartment.

The guard was a really nice 40 something year old man, his name was Jerry and I considered him my best friend at the time xD, anyway, he had left his golf cart on the sidewalk and my little self thought that it would be a fun idea to take my friends out for a joy ride 😂😂

I hoped in the driver side and 6 other kids jumped in wherever they could fit, I turned the key and fucking stomped down on the gas petal 😂😂 we all crashed into the stairs and I nearly flew out the cart (no one was seriously hurt, just a few bruises) everyone who heard the crash came running outside and when my mom and the guard saw us, my mom started yelling at me.

Though when she saw that we were all ok she started laughing, Jerry on the other hand was freaking out and saying that he's never gonna leave the keys in the kart again 😂😂 In my opinion though, it was so worth it

Deku pov

A few days have passed since the whole dress up fiasco, right now I'm on my way to pick up the kids from school, Kacchan coming with me for some reason. "Why did you come along again??" "I told you already ya damn nerd, I just felt like it" I roll my eyes and continue to walk down the sidewalk, my hands buried deep in my pockets.

As we make our way through the Academy gates, I see a few teachers and parents wandering around the parking lot. We make our way to the large double doors walking through them, I greet the security guard with a small nod, receiving the same nod in return. I walk through the halls, Kacchan a few steps behind me looking around slightly.

I walk up to the classroom where I see Akio sitting down doing some homework with a small ravenette boy sitting beside him. Ren on the other hand is running around playing with a boy with bright blond hair and whiskers?? "Akio Ren" I watch as they both snap their heads up to look at me before quickly grabbing their things and running over. "Izu!!" "Izuku!!"

I laugh lightly as they hug my legs "Izu, I made a new friend!!" "That so??" Ren nods excitedly "Yeah, let me introduce you!!" I let out a small chuckle and nod "ok then" she drags me over to the blond boy, who's now bothering the ravenette boy. The blond one looks up at me and I can see him getting slightly nervous.

"Izu this is Naruto, Naru this is Izuku!!" I smile softly at the little boy "Hello Naruto, it's nice to meet you" he then smiles nervously at me "h-hello" I then look over at the brooding ravenette "and what's your name??" "hn" I raise an amused brow at him. Naruto suddenly whacks the back of his head "be nice teme!!" "Usuratonkachi!!" I laugh lightly getting both of their attention.

Naruto then elbows the boy, making him grunt and slightly glare at him before he directs his glare at me "Sasuke" I close my eyes and smile "well hello Sasuke, it's nice to meet you too." He rolls his eyes at me and goes back to doing his homework. "Alright, well we have to get going. C'mon Ren, say goodbye" "bye bye, see you guys tomorrow"

I stand up and hold my hand out for Ren to grab before we walk out, where we see Kacchan and Akio leaning against the wall. "Are you guys ready to go??" they both nod and we start walking down the hallways again. As we get close to the doors, I hear my name being called out. "Mr. Midoriya, wait a second"

I stop and turn around, seeing Principal Senju walking up to me. "Yes, is everything alright??" "Is it alright if I talk to you for a minute??" I look down at the kids with a raised brow "what did you guys do??" "Nothing, I swear!!" "I didn't do anything" I hear a small chuckle as I look back up at the principal. "No no, they didn't do anything, I just wanted to speak to you" 

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