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Haha, that picture makes me laugh xD anyway, I'm tired of everyone always pointing out every little thing that I do wrong and never the things I try to do right

Deku pov

As I walk to class I keep my head down and hands stuffed deep in my pockets ' should I really stay here ?? I can always just do something else to train my quirk ' I sigh a little when suddenly I feel my shirt being grabbed and I get lifted up a little. I look up lazily to see Kacchan glaring at me " what ?? "

" You bastard, how dare you mock me like that !?!? " I roll my eyes " I wasn't mocking you, I was giving you some advice so that you can improve yourself " I grab his wrist and pull his arm away " I'm going to class " I start walking off again. Once in class, I plop myself down in my seat and sigh loudly ' I hate school '

Half way through class, my work phone starts ringing making everyone look at me. I blush and quickly answer while looking down at my desk " hel- " " no, stop !! GET AWAY !! " I furrow my brows and sit up a little more " SOMEBODY HELP ME !! " " Shut the hell up !! "

I hear what sounds like a punch and some more screaming. I jump from my seat and start running out of class and school. Once I'm far away enough from school, I run into and ally and use a changing quirk to change my uniform and replace it with my vigilant costum.

I then start running up a wall and on the rooftops, looking down at my phone I curse a little as I hear the young man struggling less and less. I quickly use a tracking quirk while I glare at the phone " track down this phone number, XXX-XXXX and tell me how to get to it "

After a few seconds a dark green arrow appears and starts pointing me to the phone as I continue to hear muffled yelling coming from the phone. Once the arrow points down, I stop and see a guy in his, late fourties maybe, beating up a guy who looks to be eighteen or twenty.

I jump down infront of them and growl loudly " let him go " the older guy looks up and glares at me " this doesn't concern you " " it does now " I start walking over and he suddenly pulls out a gun from behind his shirt and points it to me. I narrow my eyes and chuckle a little, tiling my head slightly to the side and making a crazed face " you think that scares me ?? How wrong you are "

I smirk as I stand infront of him, the gun pressed against my forehead " go on, go ahead " I close my eyes and smile a little, when he makes no move I open my eyes and smirk at him " that's what I thought " my face then turns hard and serious as I grab his wrist and twist it enough for him to drop the gun and scream out in pain.

My face stays serious as I push him away and stand infront of the younger guy while the older one holds his arm close to his chest and yells out " you bastard !! " I smirk a little " whatcha gonna do bout it ?? " He stars running over with his fist raised, but, I just step to the side and put my foot out.

" Tripped ya bitch " he lets out a loud grunt as I turn around and look down at the shaking guy on the floor " ARGH !! " I kneel down and the older guy goes flying over my head and lands on the ground behind me " are you ok ?? " " Don't let him touch you " he coughs out a little bit of blood.

" If he does, he'll know your weak spots " I nod and look back to see the older guy starting to stand up again " you have no chance against me, just stand down and come quietly with me " " LIKE HELL I WILL !! " " Suit yourself, but you won't win " he swings at me but I just move to the side.

After a few minutes I get bored of dodging his lame attacks so I just slam my fist into his stomach hard enough for him to vomit then black out. I make sure he's out by hitting a pressure point on his neck then I walk up to the younger guy, who's still curled up on the floor.

" C'mon, up ya go " I carefully lift him up bridal style and I watch as he snuggles into my chest and groans a little " do you know him ?? " " He's .... my dad " " I nod and start walking back over to the older guy on the ground " I'm taking him to the police, you're gonna turn him in, understand ?? "

He suddenly looks up at me horrified " I-I can't do that !! " " Yes you can, and you will " I narrow my eyes at him and he looks down a little " do yo want him to kill you ?? " " N-No " " then you'll spill " " y-yes sir " I finch a little " I'm not old, don't call me that " I hear him snicker a little making me smile.

" Wrap your arms around my neck real quick " I see him blush a little before doing as told. I bend down a little and grab the older guy and fling him up over my shoulder before grabbing the younger guy at an awkward position " why does he hit you ?? " I hear him sigh a little as he leans more into my chest " I came out as gay about two weeks ago "

" There's nothing wrong with liking the same gender, it's who you are, you should never have to be afraid to be who you are. People just need to be more open minded, idiots like your dad, or anyone for that matter, have no right to tell you who to be or how to act, if you like girls then ok, if you like guys then so be it, if you like both then who cares. Don't let anyone tell you that you're wrong, it's your choice to be who you want to be "

" Thank you " I look down at him to see tears running down his cheeks " ever since I came out, everyone stared leaving me, my mom, my dad, my family, my friends, everyOne " his voice cracks a little and he puts his hands up to his face and let's out a choked sob " my parents kicked me out because of it a-and my friends don't let me be around them anymore "

" Your the first person that's said this to me, so, thank you " " your friends are stupid, and closed minded, that's the stupidest of people out there, just surround yourself with better people, where are you staying right now ?? " He sniffs a little " at my grandma's, but, even she doesn't like having me there "

" Do you work ?? Or study ?? " " No, I haven't found a job yet, and the school I want to get in is to far from here " I nod as we walk into the police station. I drop the older guy on the floor and a whole bunch of cops look over before pointing there guns at me.

" Stay where you are Bunny !! " I carefully set the younger guy on the floor and he takes a step back and wipes his eyes a little " here " I hand him a five inch stack of hundred dollar bills and watch as his eyes widen " n-no I can't !! " I teleport them into his wallet and sigh " find yourself a better place "

A cop suddenly tackles me to the ground, I flip us around and stand up before running out " and don't forget, be yourself !! Don't let aNy ONE TELL YOU OTHER WISE !! " I run out and teleport myself back to school in my uniform.

I walk to class and sigh as I knock " come in " I open the door and walk in, closing it behind myself " what happened ?? " " Someone broke into my house and tried hurting someone I'm looking after " " why didn't you tell me ?? I could've help you " " you would've gotten in my way " I walk to my seat and sit down with a long sigh.

" Detention " " DeTeNtIoN " I roll my eyes and scoff as I cross my arms over my chest " like I care " After school, I pack my things and stay seated as everyone walks out. Kacchan eyes me a little before walking out. I look up at Mr. Aizawa " I have better things to do ya'know " " like I care " " touche Mr. Aiawa touche "

Hey guys so like this chapter says, don't let anyone say you can't be who you are, just be yourself and don't worry about what others say 🥰 hope you enjoyed ❤️

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