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Hey guys, how's it going ?? So, my mum took my fone away yesterday because I decided to read an actual book, like wth lol. I can see Izu and Todo totally do this xD

Deku pov

I look over at Kacchan as he storms up to me, the kids not far behind "where the hell have you been Deku !?!?" "I .... I'm not actually sure where I was" I grab my chin as I think for a second before shrugging and looking down at the kids with a soft smile.

"Sorry I didn't come back sooner, I got held back for something" "are you ok ??" I kneel down in front of Ren and smile at her "I'm ok" I watch as her eyes start getting watery before tears stream down her cheeks, making me frown slightly.

She suddenly throws herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck as she cries "I-I was so worri-ed when you d-did'nt come back" I quickly wrap my arms around her pulling her as close as possible to my chest.

As I look up at Akio, I can see him holding back some tears as well. I open my arm up for him and he quickly walks over, letting me pull him into my chest as well. "Shh, it's ok, I'm ok. No need to cry"

I gently rub both of their backs for a few minutes, whispering calming nothing's into their ears, and once they both calm down I stand up, holding them both on my hip as we walk into the kitchen where Kacchan made breakfast.

"Thanks Kacchan" "yeah, but you better explain yourself later" he gives me a look saying that there's no way out of it, to which I let out a groan before mumbling out a "whatever" we sit down at the table, Ren and Akio sitting on either side of me.

Once we finish eating, I wash the dishes before getting dragged to the common area, where Akio and Jirou show each other how to play a few songs on Akio's guitar. Ren suddenly jumps on my lap with a magazine and a large smile plastered on her face.

"Look, I saw this movie with my mom when I was younger, and now it's a live action movie !!" She points at the princess on the magazine that has way too much makeup on before snuggling into my chest. "She's my favorite princess because she reminds me of my mom"

I hold her a little tighter to me "is that so ??" She nods "mhmm, she's very kind and takes care of all the animals in the world, and when ever someone she cares about gets hurt, she'll fight whoever she has to in order to get her revenge, even if it's an ogre and it wants to eat her"

I stare at the princess for a few seconds before getting an idea. I smirk to myself before standing up, holding Ren to my chest as she lets out a small squeak. "I-Izuku !!" She grips onto my shirt tightly and I smile at her "don't worry, I got you" "where are we going ??"

"To the room, I have an idea" "what is it ??" I chuckle a little "you'll see" I hurry up the stairs and rush into our room, closing the door behind us with my foot. I sit her down on the bed before walking into the bathroom where I quickly take off my costume, hiding it under the sink before walking back out In my regular clothes.

I walk up to her and smile softly "take off your clothes" she tilts her head to side confusedly but starts taking off her shirt. I turn around and lift mine up a little, before making the princesses dress start coming out of my stomach, it lands on the ground with a soft 'thump'

I pick it up and hand it back to her, keeping my head turned as to not see her "here, put this on" "ok" I can hear her struggling to put it on before she lets out a whine that makes me chuckle "Izu, can you help me ??" I nod "ok" I turn around, keeping my gaze locked on the floor.

I grab the dress and flip it a few times before I figure out how it's supposed to go. "Lift you arms" "kk" she throws her arms straight up into the air before I carefully put the dress over her, fixing it slightly then zipping it up from behind.

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