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Hey guys wassup, so both my brothers went to my grandpa's house for the weekend so enjoy the chapter 🤗

Deku pov

"AHHHH !!" I snap my eyes open and jump to my feet, knife in hand and a few guns appear out of thin air and float behind me, cocking themselves and being ready to shoot anything that moves. "Woah, Midoriya chill !!" "Its just a movie Midobro !!" "Put the guns away Deku !!"

I look around to see everyone with their hands up, Kacchan and Iida holding their arms out infront of the kids. I furrow my brows and look to the side, seeing a movie being played on the tv. The guns disappear and I put my knife in my pocket again before sitting down on the couch.

I put my elbows on my knees and drop my face into my palms, letting out a loud sigh. "I told you to put the volume down moron" "I didn't know it was going to get that loud !!" I lower my head some more and run my fingers through my hair "it's ok Kaminari"

I stand up and walk into the kitchen to grab myself a bottle of water. I open it then take a sip to calm my racing heart "you ok nerd ??" I look over at Kacchan and nod "yeah, I'm fine Kacchan" I take a deep breath and slowly let it go out of my nose before walking out passed him.

I make my way back to the common area and stare at everyone before walking towards the kids. "I'm sorry for scaring you" I look up at everyone "all of you, I wasn't expecting someone to yell and thought we were getting attacked or something"

"We should be the ones apologizing Midoriya, you were asleep and had the tv pretty loud, as class representative, I want to formally apologize" Iida then bows at a perfect ninety-degree angle making me chuckle softly. "Yeah, he's right Midoriya, I'm sorry too, Bakugou told me to put it down but I listen" "it's ok"

I look back down at the kids and ruffle their hair up. Akio whines but I ignore him and walk back to the couch to take a seat again. My work phone then starts ringing making me pull it out of my pocket and answer immediately. "Hello ??" "Hello again Bunny, I have another job for you"

I teleport to my room with a smirk on my face. "What's the job Mr. Kuro ??" "Somebody dared to rape my wife, I need you to end them nice and slow, make sure it's painfully" "of course, do you want the video ??" "Is that even a question ??" I chuckle and shake my head "no"

"I'll send you the picture of the man and all of his information, you do this and I'll pay you double the amount of last time" my smirk widens "pleasure doing business with you sir" the line goes dead and I quickly change into my work outfit, throwing on some baggy clothes over it.

I grab my phone's and stuff them into my pocket before walking out and making my way downstairs. "Umm, something came up and I have to go to work for a few hours, Kacchan can you watch over the kids ??" "Yeah, be careful" I roll my eyes and quickly tell him to shut up as I slip on my shoes.

"Bye Ren, bye Akio I'll be back in a bit, be good" "bye Izuku" "bye, be safe !!" I open the door and walk out, closing it behind me. I quickly make my way to the front gates only to see Nezu standing there "hello Midoriya, can we talk ??" I sigh and shake my head "I have to go to work, we can talk later" "or, we can talk now" I grumble and walk up to him "what ??"

"Where are you going ??" "To be honest, I don't know" "what's you job ??" "Someone raped someone's wife and I have to pay them a visit" he sighs and shakes his head "Midoriya, this is a hero's school, you can't do this while you're here"

"Then kick me out, see if I care" I stuff my hands in my pocket and start walking away. Once I'm in the middle of the city, I climb up the tallest building and sit down on the edge. I make a light green hollow gram appear infront of me and start typing away at the air, pulling up the information Mr. Kuro sent me.

Target name: Momochi Fujiyaki, 46, occupation: Electronic fixer from five a.m. to six-fifteen p.m. Monday to Friday, quirk: can see what's wrong with electronics

Family: Momochi Tamika, 43, wife, occupation: floresta from eight a.m. to seven p.m. Monday to Friday, quirk: can bloom any type of flowers anywhere she touches

Momochi Fujika, 24, eldest son, occupation: doctor from six a.m. to eight p.m. Monday to Saturday, quirk: can see what is wrong with any living creature he touches

Momochi Tamiki, 18, second son, occupation: Cafe manager at Sweets for you from seven a.m. to six-thirty p.m. Monday to Friday, quirk: can heal and re-grow dead flowers he touches

Momochi Himiwara, 16,  youngest daughter, occupation: high school student from seven-thirty a.m. to three-fifteen p.m. Monday to Friday, quirk: can make any type of flower/herbs grow out of body

Address: Japan, Musutafu
Fifth ward, XXX street, apartments Colors of the Sun, number 32

I read over everything carefully before taking off my extra clothes and making my way to his house 'it's Sunday, he should be there right now' once I get there, I phase through the door and walk in, looking around a little. "Cozy, but no one's here"

I sit down on the couch while eating a strawberry pop-tart and start watching tv as I wait for the family to come. It takes two hours but when they finally get home Fujiyaki takes a step forward "who are you and what are you doing in my house !?!?"

I try of the tv then stand up and dust myself off "pardon the intrusion and the crumbs" I turn towards them and smile softly as Fujika takes a step forward "what are doing in our house ??" "Well, first of all I gotta make sure I have the right address, gosh it would be so embarrassing if I didn't"

"Are you Momochi Fujiyaki ??" "Yes" "oh great !! So this is the right house. Good" "wh-what are you doing here ??" "Don't worry your pretty little head Himiwara, I'm not gonna hurt you guys" "how do you know her name !?!?" "Geez so much yelling, I had to read the file Mr. Kuro sent me in order to know who my target was, duh"

"T-Target ??" "Oh no, it's not you Mrs. Tamika, it's your husband" "what !?!? What did I do !?!?" "You raped someone's wife and I can't allow that" "my husband would never !!" "Oh really ?? My quirk allows me to project memories of the person I'm looking at.

A screen then appears in-between us, showing off him in a bar drinking with some friends laughing "c'mon drink some more Momochi" "yeah, it won't kill ya" "I can't, I don't want to walk home all drunk and get my shit stollen or something" "man, you're a bummer" "fuck off Gyaki"

"Let's move a little forward" I swipe my hand in the air and it speeds up a little. I stop it when I see him walking behind a lady. I rewind it a few seconds back to see that he's walking while whistling and occasionally humming a random tune when he turns a corner and starts walking behind a lady.

"Oh wow, she's pretty ...." He starts speeding up a little untill he's behind the lady. He grabs her and starts pulling her into a dark ally as she screams. He throws her to the ground and starts pulling down his pants "please no, I just want to go home !!" "Shut up, I'm pent up and my wife can do shit right, so just lay there and take it like the bitch you are"

"Aaand that's enough" I cut the memory and watch with amusement as his whole family starts yelling at him, mostly his wife. "As fun as it is to watch this, I have a job to do and kids to get back to" I take out ten knives and throw them at him. The knives land extremely close to all of his vital points, one wrong move and he'll bleed to death even faster.

The knives aren't that deep but they'll cause extreme pain for the next twenty or so minutes before he dies. I walk over and take my knives back before walking out the door and making my way back to the place where I left my clothes while calling Mr. Kuro and telling him the deed is done. I send him my memory of him dying as I change then make my way back to the dorms.

Half way there, I get a notification on my phone to see that someone just deposited twenty-thousand dollars to my bank account which makes me smirk. When I finally get back to the dorms, Ren runs up to me and starts showing me her hair and nails.

Hey guys, so this chapter is a bit longer than usual, and I just made those names up to be honest lol, hope you enjoyed 🧡💚

1584 words

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