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Hey guys so I bought a can of juice and it exploded all over me when I opened it 😭

Deku pov ( 14 yrs old )

I'm sitting down on top of a building just looking out into the city. I have my vigilant costume on, it's mostly black with dark blue stirpes on it, I have black gloves with the underside being being a neon blue, a black mask, and a black utility belt.

I change my hair color to white and my eyes are red, my pupils are little black slits. I hear some footsteps behind me making me turn my head to look back at Eraserhead. I smirk and look ahead again " Eraser " " Bunny " I stand up and stretch out a bit before sighing.

" It's a calm night, don't cha think ?? " " Yeah, it is " " well, I better get going " " oh no you don't " I feel a hand on my shoulder, I quickly grab his hand and flip him over me stepping on his chest. I put my hand out towards him and smirk as I make a bunch of pink and purple glitter shoot out of my palm. I jump off the building and start running off laughing.

After about 20 minutes I loose him and just continue with my patrol when my phone rings, I answer and put it up to my ear " hello ?? " " Is this Bunny ?? " " Yes, who is this ?? " " I have information on a underground human trafficking, if you're interested " I stop walking " where ?? "

I walk up to the old bunker and slowly open it, I walk down the stairs and quietly close the hatch. I sneek my way downstairs, making myself invisible, I turn the corner and see a bunch of people sitting on some chairs while another guy is up on a small stage.

I watch as another guy pulls a lady up to the front by the hair, she's completely naked, with a black blindfold, a dark red ball gag, her hands are tied behind her back and she has a light pink heart shaped jewl plug in her.

She has tears running down her cheeks as the guy grabs her arm tightly " ALRIGHT, OUR FIRST PICK IS THIS VIRGIN BEAUTY !! " He forces her to do a little spin, I start walking up to the front without being seen " SHE'S AN OBEDIENT LITTLE BITCH, BUT, SHE DOES CRY A LOT. WE'LL START OFF AT $300, DO I SEE $300 ?? "

I ignore his chants as I walk up behind him and hit the side of his neck, knocking him out. I make myself visible again and quickly put up a barrel so that no one can leave. I end up having to fight everyone, but, I manage to knock everyone out. I walk to the back and start helping everyone out of their mini jail cells.

By the time I help everyone out of the bunker there's a bunch of polices and a few pro heros. I smirk and put two fingers up to my forehead in mini salute. I wink and start running off, ignoring all the pain I'm in. I run into an ally way and teleport myself back to my abandoned house.

I take off my costume and start cleaning and disinfectanting my wounds, after that I take a shower and rub some gauze all over my chest, sides, and arms. I sigh and walk over to my makeshift bed and lay down with my hands behind my head.

I make a little screen appear " show me Eraserhead " I start seeing him in his bathroom fuming as he struggles to get the glitter off of him " I swear when I catch that little punk I'ma- " " Sho ?? " I watch as Present Mic walks into the bathroom.

He stares at him for a moment before slapping his hand over his mouth to try and stop himself from laughing " wha- pfft, what happened ?? " " That damn vigilant !! I swear I'ma catch him one day and I'm going to make him pay for this !! I can't wait to be the one to put him behind bars !! "

I roll my eyes and swipe at the screen, making it disappear " whatever " I roll onto my side and hiss at the pain, rolling back onto my back " I hate sleeping on my back " I grumble till I fall into light sleep. When I wake up, I change into some dark brown cargo shorts, a grey shirt, and a black hoodie.

I start walking around town when I see some shady looking guy just standing around, I walk up to him and lean against another wall with my head down and hands in my pockets " hey kid, want some weed ?? " I perk up a little and look up at him.

" How much ?? " He smirks and walks up to me leaning beside me against the wall " 25 a baggie " I sigh and hand him a 50 " give me two, it's been a long night, I deserve it " " whatever kid, here " he hands it to me and I start walking off again.

I just walk around town, stoping a few thiefs, helping old people with either crossing the streets or carry their groceries, and I help out a few homeless people by buying them food and giving them a bit of money.

By the time it's night fall, I go " home " and change into my vigilant costume. I start my patrol, but, after 4 hours of nothing, I just sit down on a bench and take out a green see through bag of weed. I crush it up in the palm of my hand and toss the seeds and stems behind me.

After that I make a rolling paper come out of my wrist, I carefully put the crushed up weed in it and start rolling it, then I lick the paper to make it stick before I bring it up to my mouth and make my thumb catch fire. I start inhaling to properly light the joint.

I pull my hand away, stoping the fire as I lean back onto the bench, tossing my head back as I sigh, letting the puff of smoke out into the calm night, watching as it slowly vanishes. I close my eyes as I bring the joint up to my mouth and inhale again.

I hear some footsteps making me open one eye to see Eraserhead walking over " you !! You're gonna pay for last night !! " I smirk as he stomps up to me, leaning over me with his hands on his capture weapon. I blow out the smoke in his face and he backs up coughing.

" You smoke ?? " I shrug " only when I've had long nights .... want some ?? " I hold the joint out for him to take, but, he shakes his head no " I don't do drugs " I shrug again " whatever, hey if your gonna " take me in " at least let me finish this, will ya ?? " He sighs and sits down beside me " fine "

I smirk and bring it up to my mouth again, after a few quiet minutes I turn off the roach and carefully put it into my pocket, I turn towards him and smirk as make another glitter bomb on him, the colors being bright blue, green and some white. I jump to my feet and start running off while laughing " you should wear more colors Eraser !! "

" Get back here !! Im going to kill you !! " I laugh and throw a smoke bomb behind me as I make myself invisible and watch with amusement how angry he gets and starts cussing me off before he storms off. I look over to see the sun getting ready to raise so I walk home and get ready for some sleep.

Hey guys what's up ?? Hope you like Shoutas torture xD hope you enjoyed 💕

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