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I'm going insane and it's all thanks to my brothers 🙃 anyway sorry for not updating, I got distracted by reading other stories lol

Deku pov

After a few minutes of just sitting there in comfortable silence, the bell rings and I teleport us to our seats. I see Kacchan jump slightly before looking around. He looks back at me looking super confused which makes me laugh a little " stupid nerd " I turns back around making me giggle again.

Mr. Aizawa then walks in and looks around for a second " looks like everyone's here, good. Take out your notebooks and write this down " after school, I grab my things. As I walk past Aizawa, I let out a loud yawn making him chuckle and ruffle up my hair a little " get some more rest problem child, you have darker eyes bags then me and that's saying something "

" I wish I could but I- * yawn * I have a night job sooo, yeeaah. Later gator " I turn around and start walking down a few hallways then to the front doors. I walk out and start heading towards the front gates only to see mom again " Deku " I feel a hand on my shoulder as I look up at Kacchan.

He lets out a sigh then turns to face me " just teleport home, I'll tell auntie that you probably just slipped past us again, or something " I nod once before looking back at mom to see her looking around still. I teleport to the Elementary school and pick up the kids then we walk home.

TIME SKIP ( 3 months later )

I watch as Akio and Ren slip on their shoes before I lift up Ren onto my shoulders. Akio opens the door then we step out " who's ready for the movies !?!? " " ME !! " I flinch at how loud Ren screams in my ear before looking down at Akio " yea, whatever I guess "

I chuckle at how different their responses where before looking up to see Aizawa, All Might, and principal Nezu standing in front of me. I take an awkward step back " uhh, hi ?? " " You, live here ?? " I see All Might scan the house making me narrow my eyes a little " yes, I do. Got a problem with it ?? "

I put my free hand on my hip and put all my weight on one leg while rasing a brow. I watch as he snaps his eyes back down at me " what ?? No I-I don't, honest " I eye him a little before looking back at principal Nezu " so you're here, becauuuse ?? " " Hmm, oh right, do you mind if we come in ?? " " Awwe, but Izuuu, what about the moviiees ?? "

I sigh a little " we'll just have to wait " she pouts as I set her back down and open the door again. We walk back inside, after taking off our shoes, and sitting down on my makeshift couch. I stare at them with a raised brow and crossed arms " if you're just going to waste my time I'm leaving "

Mr. Aizawa then speaks up " are you alone ?? When do your parents get home ?? " " Don't have any, I'm a run-a-way " " oh my, for how long now ?? " I then turn to look Nezu " for eight years now " " you ran away at eight ?? " " Yup " I pop the P as I make eye contact with All Might. " So, why are you here again ?? "

" Well, because of all the villan attacks happening, UA has made dorms. You'll be in a dorm building with your class " " oh great " I roll my eyes " more time with my class, whoppie " I hear Ren giggle before Akio tells her to " sush it " to which Ren comments about how funny I am when being sarcastic.

" What about the kids ?? " " Well, seeing as you're responsible for them, they can come and live with us as well " ' if I go then I won't have as much liberty to work, that can be a problem ' I open my mouth to say thanks but no thanks when I hear some coughing.

I look to the side to see Akio with one hand on his chest and the other on his mouth while he coughs violently ' Akio, he's getting worse ' a few weeks ago, Akio caught Aspergillosis. Which is an exposure to Aspergillus fumigations mold releases and can cause an infection/reaction called aspergillosis in some people. The symptoms are wheezing, coughing, chest pain and fever.

He's drinking medicine, but, what's the point if he's still living here. I look around to see all the mold around the house ' I guess I'll just have to figure something out ' I turn back to my teachers and sigh " fine, when do we move in ?? " I see Nezu smile before calmly answering.

" You guys have Friday off to pack, the weekend to unpack, and Monday to settle in. You just have to sign here, agreeing with us being your temporary guardians and that we have your permission to take you " I grab the sheet of paper and a dark blue pen before signing on top of the line.

I hand it back over and All Might speaks up " the dorms are on school ground, once you get there someone will escort you " I nod before getting up and walk back over to the kids " change of plans, we're going to pack all of our belongings and take it to the dorms ok "

" But what about the movie ?? " I look over at Akio and smile " I can teleport Akio " I see him perk up and his eyes sparkle. I chuckle and we start packing our few things then we walk out and go to UA " it's so big !! " " How do you not get lost ?? " " Oh trust me, I did " I chuckle a little before looking down at them both " and a lot, in the begining, I walked into three wrong classes. Most embarrassing thing ever "

I chuckled and look up to see Midnight " OH WOW !! MIDNIGHT !! " She looks up from her phone to look at us before walking over " what are you doing here Midoriya ?? And who are these little cuties ?? " She kneels down and pinches Akios cheeks before turning to look at Ren and pinch one of her cheeks.

" We came because of the dorm thingy " " ah, right, follow me " she stands up straight and starts walking beside me " I didn't know you had kids Midoriya, now I understand why you look so tired all the time " she grabs her arms and shivers a little " oh how wonderful !! How to be a teenager and experience all of that again !! "

" Please don't get sexual infront if my kids Midnight. Flirting with me is one thing, it's another to do it infront of them " " wait a sec, when did you have them, they look pretty old " " I adopted them, they were living in the streets and I took them in " " such a selfless act !! It turns me on !! "

" What does that mean ?? " I glare at Midnight as she floats through lala land before looking back down at Ren " don't worry about it " she nods before looking ahead again. As we get to the dorm building, Midnight looks back at us " looks like you guys have the building to yourself .... unless you want me to come back later Midoriya~ "

I roll my eyes before looking up at her with a smirk " thanks but I'm more on the guy side " I see her perk up before her nose starts bleeding then she squeals " THAT IS SO HOT !! " She hugs herself before melting down to the floor " I'm going inside, c'mon let's leave this horny freak alone "

We walk up the few steps and I open the door just as Midnight tells me to wait. She walks over and hands me a key to the door and another for my room before wrapping an arm around my shoulders " so, who do you like " " as if I'm telling you " I push her face away with a soft chuckle before closing he door.

We look around the whole building before going up to our room and unpacking " hey, Izu ?? " " Hmm ?? " " How are you going to work ?? " " Don't worry about that Akio, I'll figure something out, just remember though, my job is a secret ok " they both nod and I smile softly " ok then, since we already ate, let's go make some popcorn and I'll put on the movie ok " they both cheer before all three of us run downstairs and make popcorn.

We grab a family sized bag of puffy hot-cheetos and three sodas before running back to our room. We turn off the lights and pull the thick black blinds before cuddling up on the queen sized bed with the snacks between our legs. I make a projector light come out of my forehead and we start watching the movie ' Given ' on it, that's the movie we were gonna watch at the theater.

Note, I have not watched the movie so please no spoilers xD also, sorry if the first half was trashed, I was stoned while writing this lol anyway hope you enjoyed ❤️💕

1521 words

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