Grocery shopping, Hiding (part 2)

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Simon's Pov

Its 2pm right now, and I'm still broken hearted. Josh invited me to go grocery shopping with him, I didn't want to go, but he force me too. I just put my jeans, and a sweater, and shoes on and headed out the door with Josh. Josh was driving and I was in the passenger seat. I was just on my phone scrolling through twitter and I  see a new tweet from Ashley. "@Ashley1441: I love my family, and we're matching! #AztecHoodies =P" she looked so beautiful, her eyes, her hair. She has a family, she moved on, she doesn't need me, but I need her. I was looking at that photo for a while, just looking at every detail I can notice. The little boy looked so much like her, and the baby girl didn't as much, maybe she looks like her dad. Josh notice that I was sad, he just gave me a sad smile. I turned off my phone, and just stared at the window. It was a long silent drive, but I didn't care, but I think Josh did.

Once, we parked the car, I was about to get out, but Josh put his hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath and look back at him. "Why you been so depress, everyone notice it." Josh said. I didn't want to speak, cause I know everything I would say, would be dumb. I deserve this, the pain, the regrets, I deserve all of this. "I'll tell you later." I mumbled. We both got out of the car and headed inside.

We got many things so far, but we still needed more things. "Simon, can you go get the breads, and chips, I'm gonna go get the milk, and juice." Josh said. I gave him a nod and went to the bread and chips place. I was looking for the right bread, but at the same place, there was a girl, dark red hair. She looked alot like Ashley from the back. I rubbed my eyes, making sure if that was a actually a girl there, once I finish rubbing my eyes, she was gone. Am I going crazy.. I shake it off, and grab the chips and bread and went back to Josh. We got the rest of the groceries and went to go pay. We put everything in the back and got in the car. "So, why you sad.?" Josh said "Just, I miss her, i miss her hugging me, being there for me, I just need her." I said quietly. "Who, Emily?" Josh said. "NO, God no, I never loved Emily, nor did you guys.., I miss Ashley, I just need her, but from the looks of it she doesn't need me.." I wanted to break down, but I couldn't. "To be honest, I don't know what to say to that, but maybe one day she is gonna come back, it maybe not be today, maybe not even this year, but she is going to come back." He said, while starting the car. I nodded, and just kept staring at the window. Just thinking, if that girl was her, what would I say to her, 'Hey, I miss you come back to me', 'Love me, I'm sorry I cheated on You' 'Hey, wanna get back together, sorry I cheated on you'. Words can't explain how stupid I was to her, how disrespectful I was to her. I wish I could replay everything, and not cheat on her, just love her. We reached home and I helped a little with the groceries, but then went upstairs,  I was to tired, I just layed down and fell asleep, wishing this all was a dream.

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