Hope She Is Safe

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Ashley's Pov

I looked around the house, just one more time. I then closed the door of the house and locked it. Never really wanna go back there. I slowly walk back to Ms. James home. I knocked on her house. "Thank goodness your okay, I was just about to call the police" she told me and hugged me. "How bad was it?" She asked me. "Bad, the people who did this wants to see me suffer, and they won't give me Eleanor back until they do" I said in tears. "Oh darling, come in" Ms. James told me. "Here, I made extra pancakes for you to enjoy" Ms. James told me. She than gave a plate with some pancakes and fruit to the side. "Thank Ms. James, but I'm just way to depressed to eat" I told her. "Oh well, tell me about it, I understand and listen really well." She told me. She sat next to me. "I don't think I should, you have done so much for me, I'm just waisting your time with my problems" I told her. "No, you're not, I remember my daughter will come to me with her problems, and you are like a daughter to me, and I'm here to listen" she told me. "Well, everyone wants me to forget about my daughter, and just have a good time, like they would invite me to a club, or invite me to the park to be happy, but I just can't, my daughter could me raped, or abused or something, and I don't even know what to do. I left my friends house, because they all just want happiness, so I left, cause I knew that I was making everyonethere sad because of my problems, and now I just don't know what to do" I said to her in tears. "What I see is that, your friends just are worried about you, but you don't want them to, you think that your not important in this world, but that is wrong. You make sure your friends, children are okay first, and then you barley start to care for yourself, sometimes you need tolet your friends help you, to make sure your okay. Because if your not okay, how are you gonna make sure everyone else is okay." Ms. James told me. "I guess its true" I mumbled. "Now I see that your knees are bleeding through those pants you have on, how about you go take a nice shower, clean yourself up, I have some clothes for you in my daughter's room." She told me. "Thank you Ms. James, you are like a mother that I always wanted in my life" I told her. "I'm willing to be that mother for you, now go in the bathroom its the second door to the left, there is towels in there, soap, everything is in there that you need, now after you get out you go down the hallway and the last door to the right, is my daughter's room, pick out any clothes that you wanna wear, okay darling" she told/asked me. "Yes, thank you again" I said and then went to the bathroom she told me to go to. I started the shower and put it in warm. I then gently started to take my clothes off, the most painful was my pants sense my knees are cut up. I take off my bandages that I have on my arm. I take my hair out of the stupid french braid that Simon did for me. I gently started to get in the shower. It was painful, but I started to get use to it. I wash my hair, and body, and for once, I relaxed.
Some time later, I get out off the shower, I get a towel and dry my body off, I wrapped the towel around meand grab my or Simon clothes that he let me borrow. And headed to the room that she told me to go to.
Simon's Pov

I just sit on top of the island. Ashley took it the wrong way, I just wanted her to be happy and not stressed out about Eleanor. I guess I could have told it more better but still. I just grab a water and just sit there not knowing what to do, or how to hits this. I love Ashley with all my heart. She makes me happy and I want to protect her, I want us to be a family, and live in a house together and go to places together. 'Maybe I should tell her how I feel about her' I thought in my head. I got the strength to go up to her and talk to her. I get off the island and went to go upstairs. I see her walking coming down the stairs with Elliott. "Ashley you okay?" I asked her but she didnt answer. It look like she was crying. "Ashley?" I called out. Then I hear the door close, not to hard but not to soft. I go to the kitchen to look at of the window. I see her buckling Elliott in. She then gets in and started the car. But she hasn't drove off yet. I could barley see, but it look like she was crying her eyes out. But soon she than drove off. I just don't know how to help her. I, then again, sit on top of the island. "She's just stressed out" I heard. "She will come back soon" I hear. "Should we go look for her?" I hear. I walk to were I hear this talking and its came from the living room. I walk in and see Dani and Josh talking. "Why did she leave crying?" I asked them. "Rachel asked her, to go to a club, to get her mind off of Eleanor, but she took it the wrong way, she then told Rachel that it would be better of me leaving so I won't make you guys sad, something like and then she left" Dani told me. "Same, I told her that we should go to the park, in a way to forget about Eleanor and she took it the wrong way too" I said. I was getting stress out just thinking what to do with her. "I just want her to be okay" Dani mumbled. "We all do" Josh told her and kiss Dani forehead. "Where did she take of to" Josh asked. "Probably her house" Dani mumbled. "I tried calling her and I textedher but she hasn't answered any of them." Dani added on. "Wanna go look?" Joah asked. "She probably won't answer the door" Dain said. "Well we could just looked through a window or wait until she opens" Josh said. "I guess" Dani said. "Let's go then" Josh said to the both of us. "I don't think she will wanna see me" I said. "Just go with us" Dani said. I nodded. We put our shoes and vhanged our clothes and we took off in Josh's car. It was a 30 to 40 minute drive of silence, not really an awkward silence, but a worry about a friend silence. We pilled up to her house. And got out of the car. "Her car is here" I mumbled. We go up to the door and knocked and waited. "I'm gonna go look around the house, see if there is a window, or something opened to get in" I said to them. They nodded. I started from the right side of the house. I found windows but there not open nor could see in them because of the curtains. I decided to jump the gate that goes to the backyard and see if the back door is open. Which it ain't. I finally got to the other side of the house and see a some windows I take a look and one of them didn't have curtains. I take a look and see inside. I see everything destroyed, and broken glass. "I need to get in there" I mumbled to myself. I run to the front house where Dani and Josh were at. I moved them to the side and started to hit the door and break it opened. Dani and Joah asking what's wrong or what did you see but I didn't answer. I break the door and enter. The steps I take, I would step in glass. "Ashley!" Dani yelled. I looked around and see 'Don't call the police!' On a wall. "Someone did this and it wasn't Ashley" I said. I see an arrow going up the stairs. And I follow it. I go through the rooms and found nothing. I went into what I think is the nursery. And see everything broken but Eleanor's crib. I looked at the glass in front of the crib. And see blood on the glass. I go through every room and final Ashley's room. I opened it and its the same as every other room in this house. Destroyed. I looked all over the room floor. And see something that makes me somewhat smile. The 'Love' necklace I gave her as a present on the twin's 1st birthday party. I thought she threw it away. She told me she did, but she didn't. I grab the necklace and put it in my pocket. "I wonder who did this" Joah mumbled. "I think it was Daisy, Eleanor's crib is the onky thing in this house that is not broken" I pointed out. "Should we call the police?" Dani said/asked. "I don't think so, even though its a good idea, I think it will put Eleanor and all of us in more danger" I said. "I hope Ashley is safe" Dani mumbled. I nodded. "Lets just go home" Josh said. "Yep" I said. "I'm gonna try calling her when we get back home" Dani said. We all got out of the house and into the car.

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