Crappy Chapter, Gossip, Going Home Sad.

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Ashley's Pov

We just arrived to the sidemen house, with Nando's. "We heerrre!" Elliott said trying to unbuckled himself. "Let me unbuckle you, bub, don't move" Simon said. "Mummy unbuckle mee!" Eleanor said. "Okay, I'll be there in a second" I said. I unbuckled myself and than headed to Eleanor to unbuckle her. "Yeahhhh!" Eleanor said once I unbuckled her. She than ran to the front door to knock. I grad the Nando's hopeing that I don't drop it. "Need some help?" Simon asked me. I nodded. He grabbed some and soon we all headed over. We dropped the things in the kitchen and headed to where everyone was at.
We all just hanged around the boys playing FIFA and the girls just gossiping in the kitchen, saying who we like. "Well obviously I like Simon, and so who do you guys like?" I asked. "Welllllll, I kinda like Josh.." Dani said. "Awwww" All the girls said. "But, I don't know, Simon is my brother and me dating his friend, if we ever go out, and if we ever break up or something it might ruin their friendship" Dani said. "I think he just gonna have to suck it up, just cause Simon is your brother, doesn't mean you can't go out with anyone, take the chances, if you guys ever break up, we'll all be there and help with what ever goes on" I said. Everyone nodded as agreeing to what I said. "Thanks Guys" Dani said. "Okay, now who do you like Alex?" Dani asked. "Mmmm, welll, I kinda lik-" she didn't finish her sentence, because one of the lads came in. It was Tobi, and Elliott. Elliott was on top of Tobi shoulders screaming "SuperMan!". We stayed quiet until they left and headed to the living room. "Tobi...." Alex said.
"What about me?" Tobi came into the kitchen again. "Well, Tobi what are you doing with my son" I said trying to change the subject. "SUPERMAN!" Elliott said. "What he said" Tobi said. And than ran off. I got off my chair and went to make sure he left.
No one was there. I went to my chair again. "Awwwwwwww" I said and the other girls joining in. "I could see you and him going out" Rachel said "Yeah, if he ever notives me, yeah, we talked and play games together, but nothing else" Alex said. "Well, maybe you and Dani should talk to your brothers, they would understand" Rachel said. They both just nodded. "Well Rachel who do you like?" Alex and Dani said together. We laughed and soon waited for an answer. "Ummmm, well, mmmmm, Vik" She said. While looking down at her hands. "But I don't think he likes me" she added on. "Awwwww, of course, he should love you, like I ship you guys" Dani said.
We talked some more, about the boys, and about going somewhere on Saturday. "What if we go to the mall?" Rachel said. "A girls day out!" Alex said. "I don't know if I can, I don't kmow if Simon could take care of the kids" I said. "He will only take care of Elliott, we can have Eleanor with us." Dani said. "Ehh maybe" I said. I checked what time it was on my phone. 5:43pm. "Well I think its best I leave now, the kids have some homework to do and it will be bedtime soon" I said, I got up my chair and headed to the living room. "Hi Mummy" Elliott said while cuddled up with Tobi. And Eleanor playing on Josh's phone. I walked up to Eleanor. "Hey, its time to go home, baby girl" I said to her. "Nooo I wanna stay here and play on Josh phone" Eleanor said. "But you have homework and if you stay here you won't see your best friend Abbie tomorrow" I said. "Finnnee" she said and went to get her shoes on. 'Now Elliott' I said in my head. "Hey we need to go bye bye" I said. "Why?!" Elliott said. "Well we have homework, and tomorrow we have school" I said "okay" he said and got off Tobi.
"Leaving already" Simon said, he grad my hand and walked me to the kitchen. "Why you leaving?" He asked. "The kids have homework, and school tomorrow" I said. "Just stay" Simon said, clearly drunk. "No, sorry, got to take my kids home" I said and started to walk off, his breath was making me get a headache. "Our kids!" He said and walked up the stairs, probably to his room, to drink some more.
"Dani can I talk to you for a minute" I asked. She nodded. We started to walk to the hallway, when Elliott called me. "Mummy we ready" He said. "Umm did you give all your uncles and aunt hug?" I said. "Nooo, I did no hug to uncle JJ" and with that he ran to the living room. "So what you wanna talk about?" Dani asked

Elliot's Pov

I ran to each person and give them a hug. 'Where's mummy?' I said in my head. I started to walk to the kitchen and see mummy talking to aunt Dani in the hallway. "Mummy we ready" I said. "Umm did you give all your uncles and aunts a hug?" Mummy told me. I thought if I did, there's to many people. "Nooo, I did no hug to uncle JJ." I said and I than ran to uncle JJ. "Byebye uncle JJ" I said and gave him big hug. "Bye kiddo, when are you coming back?" He ased me. "Ummm, I dunno" I said. "Go ask Mummy" he said. "I can't" I said. "Why not?" "Because mummy is talking to aunt Dani" I said. Everyone stayed quiet until mummy came back, she look sad. "Eleanor and Elliott ready to go home?" Mummy said. Me and Eleanor nodded and started walking to with mummy out the door. "Wait mummy, I forgot to say byebye to daddy" I said and than I ran up the stairs to daddy's room. "Daddy, I'm going byebye" I said as I opened the door. "Okay whatever bye" Daddy said. I walked into the room so I could give him a hug. "Get out!" He screamed. "I just wanna give you a hug" I said and felt tears going down my face. "I don't wanna hug, you now get out!" He scream in my face. I hold my breath cause his breath smelled really bad. I walked out and ran into mummy arms. "Why is he so mean mummy" I cried out. "Im sorry, lets go home" she said. Mummy picked me up and carried me to my car seat. Tobi was buckling Eleanor in and mummy buckle me. Mummy hugged Tobi and off we went home.

Sorry crappy chapter :( couldn't update yesterday was out all day to help out with some stuff but anyways hope you enjoyed and ya have a nice day .
Twitter: @izzylove0228 or @izzylove1141

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