Getting back together, with the wrong one..

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Simon's Pov

*5 months Later*

I was in my room, just editing videos, and bored. My room is were I usually stay at, but I guess today the lads didn't let me. They took me put to eat, went shopping, I've got some hats and jeans. They are trying there best to make me happy, but I am happy, just not 100% percent happy. Vikk and I split off from the others to go get a drink. "Soo, why you been so upset these days?" Vikk asks. Does he really not know.. .-. "Just missing Ashley" I mumbled out. He gave me an 'Oh' face. I didn't want to be here. I just want to be in bed, and sleep. We got our drinks and then went looking for the lads, it took us a while, but we eventually found them. I checked my phone and it was 6pm. Time went by fast. "Anyone, want to go to clubz?" Jj asks. Everyone said yes, I was about to say no, but they wouldn't listen to me anyways, so I went along. I don't plan on drinking that much, but I know I might fail at that. We finally made it to the club and its 8pm. We all went to the bar, and ordered some drinks.

Everyone was mostly drunk, Josh and Vikk weren't that much. Everyone else were drunk, Jj and Tobi trying to hook up with ladies, and Harry was just dancing, Ethan didn't want to come, for just in case we needed a ride. I saw drunk as well, not to were Jj level, but close. This girl came up to me, she was really pretty,  blonde hair and blue eyes, a nice body too. We started dancing together. I could tell she wasn't that drunk, we got in her car, and drove somewhere. We kissed and soon, did that, lovely thing.

I woke up it was abour 5am, I had that worst headache ever. I looked over and saw the girl face, she was asleep, Emily was asleep. I'm with my ex. I moved my head a little to fast, and I groan a little. She woke up, shoot. "Hey babe, you okay." She said. I give a nod, a pain full nod. "You wants some Anvil, pain killers, anything." She said in a 'worried' tone. I shake my head no, biting my lower lip, because it hurt bad. "I'm gonna get you pain killers, I'll be back." She gave me a kissand went off. She was wearing my shirt.. I than looked at me, and see I have nothing but my boxers on. I looked around the room to fine my pants, I soon see them and get up and start to put them on. Emily soon walked in, with pain killers and water. "Leaving already?" She said in a sad tone. "Yeah, got to get to my house, and edit videos." I said. "Can I have my shirt back?" I said as I got the pain killers and water. She gave me a smirk and than took it off, she had nothing else on.. "Thanks" I turned around so I wasn't facing her,  so I wouldn't look at her. I grad my phone and put my shoes on. "So, are we going out again?" She said as she put a shirt and shorts on. "I don't know." I mumbled. 'Should I be with her, she could help me move on from Ashley, should I' "Are we or not" Her voice cracked. Is she gonna cry?. "Sure." I said. She than ran up to me and gave me a hug. I feel like I made a mistake, and yet I feel like I didn't. "I've got to get going, I'll see you later." I said, and left. The house was far, but I didn't mind, I needed to think about this, did I just made a mistake or not?.

After walking for a long time, I finally reach the driveway. I opened the door and hear everyone in the living room. I was kinda hungry and I headed into the kitchen.  I see Josh and Dani there. "Hey Simon." Dani said. I waved and then got the ceral box and milk to make well ceral. "Where you been all day and last night, I was worried" Dani said and Josh nodded. "I went with someone" I mumbled. "Who" said Dani in a higher voice. "Emily" I mumbled even quieter. She understand who, and she was anger. Josh than left and I guess went into the living room. "Why would you go out with her again, after I beaten her up for cheating on you, and you didn't even like her." She said in a whispered anger voice. "I don't know, I was really drunk, she took me to her house and than we did, and now we're together again." I said. "Why" she said. "Because I miss Ashley, I just-" the doorbell rang. "This isn't over" she said as she went to the living room, and I getting the door. "BABE!, I missed you so much." Emily said and hugged me, "Where's everyone else, lets tell them we're together again" she said. She grad my hand and she ran to the living room. "HEY GUYS, WE'RE TOGETHER AGAIN" everyone looked and just gave a smile and went back to watching the TV, Dani and Alex just looked annoyed as ever. Emily let go of my hand and ran over to the girls to gossip, yet still Dani and alex looked annoyed. Josh just gives me a very confused face. 'Did I just make a stupid mistake' I thought in my head.

Somewhat crappy, but this kinda like a part 1-3 thing soo ya, anyways hope you enjoyed have a great day everyday ~loves you-izzy

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