Party, and her..

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Ashley's Pov

*Elliott's and Eleanor's Birthday Party*

Today is Elliott and Eleanor's birthday! Can't believe they are one, I've been through so much stress, and pain, but love, and happiness. Also today we're having a party! Lot of my friends from high school are coming, and also all the sidemen, and Callux and Calfreezy as well.

It's about to be 10am, I've been outside, but eating some fruit. The weather is so amazing, a little bit of wind, but still nice with the sun. I soon than got up to start to get ready, me and Alex and Dani are gonna decorate before everyone comes. I showered, and than got dressed. I put on some black high waisted pants, a sweater that has minnie on it, shoes I've put my pink converse. I curled my hair, and than I put some Minnie ears on, and makeup I put a little more than I usually put on, but it still look good, good thing I went to makeup school. It was soon to be 12pm, so I woke up Elliott and Eleanor, gave them their birthday hugs, than took them down to there highchairs to eat. While they were eating I started to put some decorations up. Soon the doorbell rang and there was Dani and Alex. I gave them hugs, and there Minnie ears. Soon they started to help me with decorations. While I was blowing a balloon up, I looked over at Elliott and Eleanor and they finished eating. "Hey girllllss, I'm gonna go get Elliott and Eleanor a bath and get them ready, you guys wanna finish the decorations?" I said. They both gave me a nod, I guess thats a yes. I got Elliott and Eleanor and took them upstairs into the bathroom. I than got Elliott dressed in a black long sleeve shirt, red shorts and white socks, and than put mickey ear on him, I than got Eleanor in a long black sleeve shirt, with a red tutu, with white socks and minnie ears. They looked so adorable, I took a picture on them and tweeted it out. "@Ashley1441: Can't believe they are already one, time went by so fast, I love them so much!" Many tweets came back, they all made me smile. I put my phone in my butt pocket and than carried Elliott and Eleanor downstairs. Alex and Dani see them and ran to them saying 'they look so cute' 'awww'. Alex got Eleanor and Dani got Elliott. I looked around the house, and see that Alex and Dani finished decorating. "Thank you guys for finishing the decorations, it looks amazing!" I said to them, "Your Welcome" they said together. We all sat down in the living room and watch some TV. It was gonna be 3pm soon, and many friends started to show up. I gave them all hugs and there minnie and mickey ears. We all talked about how we were doing in life. Soon Callux and Calfreezy came, I gave them hugs and there mickey ears. They looked so werid but adorable with there mickey ears. We talked for a while enjoying the music and the food.

Simon's Pov

"We're late!" Ethan said, soon with a laugh. "Just pick out something each and everyone for Elliott and Eleanor and the we could go" said Vikk. We're at the store right now, getting presents for Elliott and Eleanor. All of the boys know what they looked like, but I never seen Elliott and Eleanor. I don't know what to get them. I saw Josh at the corner of my eye, and I ran to him. "Joshhhhh, help me pick out something for them" I said to him. "Just get something that babies like, or something that maybe you know Ashley needs." He said as he looked around. I gave a small nod and looked around, I soon though of something. I got Elliott a toy car, and Eleanor a  baby stuff animal, and for Ashley I got her a necklace, that said the word 'love'. I ran to go get everything paid and soon went to the car to wait. I was kinda excited to see Ashley, I haven't moved on from her 100% yet, but I will always love her no matter what. Everyone except Harry and Ethan were at the car waiting, after about 10 minutes later, they both finally came. We all than go to Ashley's house.

When we were at her driveway I started to get worried, 'does she want me here', 'should I just go home'. Thoughts ran through my head, but Josh slapped me, not to hard, but painful. "Come on mate." He said while getting out the car. I got out and soon was inside her house. I see that she is giving everyone a hug and mickey hats. 'Is she gonna give me a hug'. Soon she gave me mickey hat and than a hug. Her hugs, I miss these hugs so much, her arms around my neck. We hugged for 5 seconds. "Thank you for coming, enjoy" she said to me her voice, it's so soft, "You can put those presents in the nursery" she said to me and the boys. Her name was called, she turned around and gave a guy a nod, "Tobi can you show them where it's at, I need to go do something" she said to Tobi. Tobi than gave a nod. 'Tobi has been here before, what!' I felt jealous, I dont know why. He walked up stairs and into a room, I guess its the nursery. It was nice room, and really nice, and it has a balcony. We all put are presents down and than went back out to the living room.

I looked around for a while. "Aye, mate wanna play some football outside?" Jj said to me. I gave a nod and followed him outside. Ashley and Alex soon come out with Elliott and Eleanor. They were adorable, in there outfits, Ashley let Elliott walk around, him holding her fingers. Josh puts the football in front of Elliott, and he kicks it, and kicks it and kicks until he made a goal. "Ha, Tobi you didn't block that, wow OP baby boy!" Jj said Tobi gave him the middle finger, and everyone laughed. Ashley and Alex were just walking around outside with Elliott and Eleanor. They look so adorable and pretty.

I remember that I left Ashley's gift in the car. "Hey Josh, let me see the car keys, I forgot something." I said to him. He throw the keys and I catch them and went to the car. I got the gift and felt kinda bad that I have no explanation on why I giving it to her. I got a paper and pen and wrote a letter to her.

Hi there, Ashley, just wanted to give you a present and say I'm truly sorry for hurting you and breaking your heart, I didn't want that to happen, I didn't want to break us apart. I'm sorry I did. I will always love you no matter if you don't love me, I hope you have a great life with your little Elliott and Eleanor.  They look alot like you, especially Elliott, he has you eyes and your hair before you dyed it. I miss you alot, I hope we can work things out and be friends. So we can talk and hang out like the old times. If you need someone here's my number (number) , I know you might not want it, but if you need me or anyone, just text me. Anyways your an amazing girl, never for get that. -Simon

I folded the letter and put it with the necklace and than went out to the house again. I was going up the stairs, I thought instead of putting it were the presents were, I'll put it in her bedroom. I opened many doors, but finally found her room, I put it on top on her bed and kiss it. I closed the door and went back to were the boys were. I gave Josh the keys back and continue to play football with them again. "Everyone gather around we are gonna sing happy birthday to Elliott and Eleanor!" Screamed my sister Dani. We stopped playing football and went over there. "Simon can you hold Elliott, please". Ashley asked me I smiled and nodded, I sat next to her, she was holding Eleanor and I'm holding Elliott. Everyone than sanged Happy Birthday. And soon ate cake. "Follow me if you want cake" scream my sister Dani. Everyone followed her, guess people love cake. "Thanks for holding him, you wanna keep holdong him or you wanna give him back to me?" She asked. "I've could hold him if you want. " I said with a smile. "Okay, but than can you hold Eleanor, so I could change Elliott, I think he has a dirty diaper" she said while giggling. "Sure, of course" I said while laughing. We traded babies. She went inside, but I didn't want want to go inside yet, I kinda want to get to see Eleanor alone. I noticed she has my eyes and my hair, I've noticed for a long time, in pictures but seeing face in person. 'Could she be mine', 'is she mine'.

I soon heared my name being called , I turned around with Eleanor in my arms, it was Emily. Ashley came from behind her grabing Eleanor from me, in a kinda piss way, and went back inside. "What are you doing over here and not invited me!" She scream. "I was just hanging out with my friends" I said back. "But why didn't you invite me, I went to your house nobody was there, and I tried texting you and calling you, and no answer" she said back "and why are you at your ex's house!, you cheated on me for her because you didn't love her!" She screams. "Shut up already, you can't be here screaming and scaring my children, if you are gonna be screaming, get the heck out of here" a voice said behind us. It was Ashley and the girls. "Fuck off, I'm sorry nobody like you, and sorry he cheated on you with me, I know you aren't worth it and that you should kill yourself, but this is my boyfriend, this is me and his conversation, dont get into our conversation.." she said as she turned around facing me again. "I know I'm not worth it, and I know I should kill myself, but I'm not cause I have two little angles, that need me, I don't care if Simon cheated on me with you" Ashley said back, without a care in the world. "Says the girl with cuts on her wrist." Emily said quietly. Ashley was about to fight her, but Dani went in front of her and started to fight her, screaming stuff at her, Alex broke it up and both Dani and Alex took her outside the property, "I'm not leaving until Simon comes with her" Emily said. I didn't know what to choose, her or Ashley, I turned around and see Ashley hugging Eleanor and Elliott that were crying, and I than see Emily, about to cry, "Please, come with me, I need you" she said breaking down. I know I'm gonna make a stupid mistake, I go with Emily. "What the heck Simon" my sister screams. I whispered  'I'm sorry, I'll explain later' in her ear. She turned around going back to the party with Alex. I again made an stupid mistake.

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