Mistakes, and Love.. (crappy...

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Simon's Pov

"Why did we have to come to her house?" I asked Emily as we walked back to her car. "Just to annoy her, and telling her we are back together" she told me with a smirk. "Why, she doesn't care anymore about you or me" I said. "Well, than we will have to make her care, I want her to suffer" she told me as we drove away to the sidemen house. She was singing along with a song, not very good at singing but I didn't care, I never really wanted to be with her, I don't know why I went back with her, I just felt really lonely and just needed someone and well she was there, and from there its been hell. Stupid reason, but all well.... I was looking at the window from her car, trying my hardest to ignore her. I was interpreted by a text from one of the guys, and and of course she got all crazy. "Who texted you?" She said trying to look at my phone and drive at the same time. "One of the lads" I mumbled and looked at the message. It was from Josh.
Josh: Hey, you coming to Ashley today, or not
Simon: Na, stuck with Emily :/
Josh: oh, so do you have feelings for Ashley still or not anymore..
Simon: Ya, but she doesn't love me back, after all the things I have done for her..who would like me :(
Josh: Sorry man :( you never know,maybe she just needs to feel the love you gave her, from the first time you ever met her
Simon: yep :/
After that I didn't get a message back, but I didn't care, I was kinda depressed right now, and some what mad, and Emily wasn't helping at all. I was tried of her, and her bullshit, she told me she broke up with her 'Future Husband', but never did, I checked her messages and it broke my heart, but yet I was still stupid for falling for her, for her looks, and not personality. Iwas gonna put an end to this. I looked at her,"Emily, I'm done with you, your pretty, but have an awful personality, I'm tired of your lies, saying that you broken up with your man, but never did, I checked your messages, I hate that you broken me and the love of my life apart, so fuck you and whatever you do in life." I said, she was screaming at me but I didn't care I got out of her car, when we were at a stop light, and walked away from all this bullshit. I need my love back, I need my family back and that's my plan, and I have an amazing idea, that she is gonna fall for me again, so we could be a family, again and together, not having to do co-parenting or anything like that. So I'm gonna make her fall in love with the guy she needed in her life.

I walked for like 20 minutes until I reached the house, I went inside and ran to my room and changed and plan my idea, hoping it good well.

Ashley's Pov

Josh has helped me a lot, but he soon started getting lots of texts from the lads I guess, but I didn't mind, I was waisting his time anyway. I was playing with my kids, when Josh came and sat down next to me. "Hey, you wanna come to the park with me?" He asks. "Why?" I asked, while Elliott was playing with my hair. "Just, you have to get some fresh air, and today its a beautiful day!" He told me while doing hand gestures. "True, but I-" I was gonna say something, but was interpreted by Eleanor, running away, heading to the stairs. "I'll get her, you go get ready and I'll babysit them" he said he grad Elliott and ran to were every Eleanor was. I headed to the shower, confused still why, he invited me to the park. I wasn't in the mood of going anywhere, and soon the pain that I have ever felt in my life, all the bad memories came back to me. I started to cry in the shower, 'why is this happening to me','Why me', 'If I didn't have my angles, I would have been dead by now', thoughts, many thoughts, all the bad memories rushing in my brain. I had enough, I grab my razor, I broke it, and started to cut, my thighs, my wrist, my shoulders, my stomach. Blood went down me, and soon all the pain went away, all the thoughts the bad memories went away, but regrets came, 'I  shouldn't have cut' I said in my mind. I cleaned myself up, I got my towel, put in around me and went to my room to change. I put my undergarments on, and than some striped overalls kind of thing, with a white shirt, I was gonna leave it like that, but than I remember my scars, so I put a light Grey sweater on top, and left it unzip. I put my converse on, and than went to do my makeup and hair. I left my hair, in lose curls, and I just did my makeup, like I usually do it. I walked to the downstairs, looking sround seeing my house empty, 'I can't wait to move' I said to myself, I walked to the living room and see Josh and my kids there playing. Elliott saw me and ran up to me, and soon did Eleanor as well. "How are you gonna get ready, you still in your pj's" I said while giving Elliott a high five. "I have some clothes in my backpack, can I use your restroom?" He asked. I nodded and soon he went upstairs. I picked up Elliott and Eleanor, in pain, I regret cutting near my shoulders. I fight the pain,and take them upstairs and went to changed them.
I put Eleanor in a nice beautiful dress, with some pink converse, I than put her hair in two pigtails with her bangs down. I put Elliott in some shorts and a shirt, with some black converse. I put his hair in a cute mohawk. We all were ready, the diaper bag was ready, The kids and I were ready, now all we do is wait for Josh.

It's been probably 10 minutes and Josh never came. I decided to go look for him. I went up to my room, knocking before entering. No one was there, but I see a note. 'Hey, sorry I left you without saying Goodbye, but just meet me at the park :) -Josh'  I did want I was told, and went to the park, I grad my diaper bag, and than Elliott and Eleanor's hands and walked with them. The park wasn't that far away, but with two kids, it felt like forever. Soon we got there and already Elliott wants to go to the swings. I looked around the park and saw no one. 'Is this a joke' I thought to myself. I looked around once more, making sure I saw no one. So we all went to the swings, I put Elliott and Eleanor in the baby swings and started to push them. Giggles, laughter was all I heard, and that is what made me happy. It was starting to get late and soon dark, 'This was a joke', 'Fuck everyone, I shouldn't have trusted Josh', I said to myself. I grad Elliott and Eleanor and started to head home.
I was walking home and see rose pedals heading to my front door. I started to question myself, 'who is that, didn't I lock the door, am I being rod, should I open the door' Thoughts came in my mind, I started to head to my door to open it, but before I put the key in to unlock it, Ethan opened the door. "Hi!" He said and laughed. "Hello?" I said. "Well there is a surprise up ahead, and me and the lads have to babysit you little ones, okay okay" he said while hugging me, than grabbing Eleanor, and out of nowhere Josh came and grab Elliott. I was gonna tell him why he left me alone in the park, but he ran to Ethan's car. Again! out of nowhere Tobi comes and takes my diaper bag, and ran. No words. I'm was kinda scared my kids aren't with me, I didn't feel like going in my OWN home, but I did.

I opened the door the and see roses on the floor leading to the upstairs. On the railings on the stairs there's balloons tied up with notes on them. Each step, there was a note and a ballon. I read all the notes and cried, 'Your beautiful' 'Your an amazing mother' 'Congrats on finishing University!' 'I'm sorry' 'Your better at FIFA than me' 'Your worth it' 'Your the best girl in the world', all of these made me cry, I read all of them until I went up the stairs, I followed the roses, picking them all up and the roses lead to my room. I opened the door with tears running down my face. And see Simon standing there, with a rose, I looked around seeing more balloons around the room, and see the Tv was on Netflix, and my bed looks nice and cozy. Simon went up to me and hugged me, and that's what I needed was a hug, but not just any kind of hug or person. A hug that tells me, hes sorry, and that he wants to fix my heart, we hugged for a long time. I felt like I was being fixed. No words were spoken, but I felt like there was.


If  you want to be friends with them next chapter I'll explain what to do :3 byebye -izzy

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