Pinky Promise, Pain, and Blacked Out (Crapper Chapter)

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Ashley's Pov

Tears running down my face, but I didn't really care if people see me like this. I opened the door from the kitchen and walked out and went to the living room. I took a deep breath. "Ready to go Elliott and Eleanor?" I said trying my hardest to not cry. Everyone was silent. "I'm ready" Elliott said. He hugged all his "uncles" and than came to me. "Why crying" he whispered in my ear. "I'm just sad, but I'm okay now" I said while on my knees. "Pinky promise?" He said. "Pinky promise" I said and with a 'happy' smile. "Eleanor you ready, we have to go byebye" I said, everyone was just silent and it made me uncomfortable. "Yes mummy" Eleanor said and than came to me. "Did you give everyone a hug?" I said. She just gave a 'oh' face. And soon I see her running to everyone and hugging everyone, Hugging for a long time with each one of her 'uncles', they must know that we aren't coming back for a while. She finally came back to me and we started to go out the door. "Mummy can we come back tomorrow" Eleanor said. I just took a deep breath. "I don't know" I said. Tears running down my face. I unlocked the car and than buckled the kids in. I was about to get in. "Waiiiiiittt" Dani screamed and running towards me. "Let me stay the night with you" she said. "Why?, I won't do anything stupid" I said fake giggling. "One, I know thats a lie, and two, I know I will beat the slut, and than I'll be in trouble ." She said. "Hahaha, fine, you gonna bring clothes or..?" I said. "Yeah, I'll be back, I'm gonna get my clothes and say goodbye to Josh" she said and than ran back into the house. "Don't take forever!" I screamed to her. "Mummy are we going byebye yet, I sleepy" Elliott said, while rubbing his eyes. "In a second, you could sleep now, sweety, it's okay." I said. "Okaii" Elliott said and started to sleep. I smiled and waited for Dani. "She better hurry her booty up" I mumbled to myself. Some minutes later she finally comes out with Josh. "Finally, you take forever" I said while laughing. "Shush your face" Josh said. We all laughed. "Lets goooo" I said while starting the car. "Better not go to clubs and no staying up late, make sure the doors and windows are locked, and mak-" he said, but was interrupted by me. "You have an over protective boyfriend" I told Dani while laughing. "And no why would we go to clubs" I said while giggling. "Just, you never know!, and have a nice time, butt faces" Josh said while starting to walk to the house. "Lets goooo to me homee!" I said and started driving.

"Why you looking through my bag?" I said to Dani, at a stoplight. "I'm hungry!, I was checking if you had food in here!" Dani said. I laughed. "Well watcha wanna eat then?" I said still at the stop light. "Let's order pizza!" She said. "Really you want pizza at what ever time it is" I said. "Correction its 7:45pm" she said while getting her phone out. "Whatever, when is this light wanna turn green!" I said wanting to honk but it might wake the kids up.
"Finally!" I said when the light turned green, I started to drive. "Watch out!" Dani said. I looked to my right and than soon my whole body was in pain. All I hear is crying, 'my babies!' I thought in my head. I tried my hardest to look where Elliott and Eleanor were, but, I was just in pain, blood everywhere. I could tell me and Elliott were the most injured out of the four of us. Soon than I heard ambulances and polices coming. Dani looked fine, maybe a broken arm and a big cut on her face. I only heard Eleanor crying, I never heard anything from Elliott, It made me worried, and soon than everything blacked out.

Simon's Pov

I felt like mines and Ashley's relationship wasn't going anywhere. I only meet Daisy in a club and soon than we started to talk more and more. Every time she would message me, I felt like my heart would skip a beat. I felt like Daisy was more special to me than anyone else. "Babe, you ready to go" I said. "Yes, let get my purse and than we will go" Daisy said and walked up the stairs to get her purse. I was on my phone and soon than I overheard Josh and Dani's conversation. "Josh I'm gonna go with Ashley to her house" Dani said to Josh. "Whyyyy" Josh said. "Because I've notice her arms, there full of cuts, I don't want her to feel alone" Dani told Josh. "She was clean for so long in secondary, what made her do it again" Josh said in a sad tone. "It's pretty obvious, but I don't want her to keep waiting, I've got to go" Dani said. "Let me go walked you to her car than" Josh said and soon they walked out the door. 'Does she cut because of me, what made her cut, did she cut when we were together?' Thoughts went through my head, it kinda made me upset.
"Okay! I'm ready!" Daisy said and soon grad my hand and we walked out. We got in my car and left. I took a glance over where Ashley was and see she was laughing and was smiling. She looked so pretty. "What restaurant you wanna go to?" I said to Daisy trying to get Ashley out of my head.

*Coming back to the sidemen's house*

"It was an amazing dinner Simon" Daisy said and kissed my cheek. "You wanna watch a movie and stay over?" I said to her. "No sorry, I have to get back home, sorry Simon, maybe some other time" Daisy said. We kissed and soon she got into her car and left. I walked into the house and went to the living room where everyone was at. "Hey you wanna play a game of FIFA Simon" Tobi said. "You're on!" I said and walked to where the controller was. I sat down and played against Tobi. We all just sat around talking about what day to record videos and some real life videos. It was nice talking and just hanging out with the lads. "We could shoot a vi-" Ethan said but was interrupted by Josh's phone going off. "Josh you're phone interrupted me" Ethan said and than laughed. "Shut up" Josh said. He than got up and went to the hallway or kitchen. "I'm gonna go get water" I said and started to walk out the living room. "Bring me one to Yeh!!" Tobi said. I than walked to the kitchen. "Okay, yes I'm on my way" Josh said on the phone with one tear coming out of his eye. "You alright mate?" I asked. "Um yeah" He said and started to text someone. "You sure?" I asked. He just nodded. "I have to go somewhere thats all" he said and started to walk out the door. I grab the water bottles and headed to the living room. "What is going on" I mumbled "I have to go, see ya lads!" Ethan said. In a kinda worried tone. He got up and almost drop the water bottles on me. "Careful mate" I said and laughed. "See yeah!" He said and soon left. He looked like he was in a rush. I walked back to the living room and passed Tobi his water. "Round two mate?" Tobi said while taking a sip on the water. "You're on..again!" I said.

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated just wanna give a thank you to Dani ( @thesidemen ) she came up with the idea and ya. Hope you enjoyed, and wondering if you want to see the other lads pov's like Ethan's and Josh's so ya let me know and have a nice day.
Twitter: @izzylove0228 and @izzylove1141

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