Shopping, Bad Chapter

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Ashley's Pov (Still Wednesday!)

I went into Ms. James daughter's room. I looked into her dressers and found a plain grey t-shirt and some joggers, I grab a pair of socks and put them on. I towel dry my hair, and just put it into a messy bun. I look around her daughter's room and see if I find a charger to charge my phone, unlucky of me, I didn't. "I'll need to go to the store to get one" I said to myself. I clean up the mess I made and then walked out of the room. I head out into the living room of Ms. James house and see Elliott coloring. "Hi mummy" he said to me. "Hey pumpkin" I told him. I looked around the room and see no Ms. James, so I go into the kitchen to see if she is there. "Ms. James?" I called out while I walked into the kitchen. "In here, I was just about to start making cookies for Elliott" she told me. "Ms. James you don't have to do that" I told her. "It's fine sweetie, I love baking, but I just need to head to the store and get some ingredients" she said. "I'll go get them, I was just gonna head out to get me some stuff" I said. "Also, Ms. James isn't time for you to take your pills?" I added on. "Oh!, yes it is, thank you for reminding me, oh and I'll get you a list of things I need" she told me. She then went to her room. Some time later, she came back with a list. "Thank you, and would you like to come?" I asked her. "I would love to, but once I drink my pills, and if I walk around to much I will start feeling dizzy" she told me. "Okay, well, just sit and relax and I'll be back in 40 minutes." I said. "Elliott, pumpkin?" I called out. "Yes, mummm?!!" He said while running to where I was at. "Do you want to come with me to the store?" I asked him. "I would, but me no have shoes" he said kinda sad. "We will but you shoes at the store" I said. "Okay, I go with you" he told me. "Go clean up your crayons and paper please" I told him. He then nodded and ran to the living room. "Ms. James get some rest" I told her. "I will darling, be safe and call if you need something" she told me. "Thank you" I said. She then walked into ner room. I walked back to the living room. "Elliott you ready?" I said and I put my shoes on. "Yes mummy, I finish cleaning the room" he told me with a big smile. "Great job!" I said. "Here let me pick you up, the floor outside is yucky" I told him. "Eww yucky" he said. He put his arms up and I then picked him up. I grab my car keys, Ms. James house keys, my phone which has 40% battery, and I think my purse/bag is in my car, cause I didn't take it out ever. I closed the door of Ms. James house, making sure its locked. I then started walking to my destroyed home. I was probably three houses down when I see some people in front of my house. I started walking a little slower. I then realize it was, Josh, Dani, and Simon? I didn't know what to do. "Mummy is that daddy?" Elliott asked me. I nodded to him. I guess until they leave, I'll just walk around here for a little. I went back and forth to Ms. James house to the house next to my house. People that live here might think I'm weird or something, but all well.
After about like 15 minutes they started to leave. I smiled a little, I started to walk to my house when they finally left this neighborhood. I then open my car, and put Elliott in his booster seat. I soon then get in myself, and then drive to a store near here. It took probably 5 minutes to get to the store, in car. I parked the closest that I can to the store. Before I go out of the car, I grab my bag that was hiding under the passengers seat and just put my car keys, and house keys, and I just left my phone in my butt pocket. I then remembered that I didn't have any makeup on or anything, I looked through my bag and found some mascara, and foundation, and I just use some chapstick. I felt insecure, so I just prayed that nobody that I know is here. I get out the car and help Elliott too. I picked him up and put him on my hip. I closed the doors and locked the car. And started walking into the the store. I just for now put Elliott in the kart until I buy him shoes.
I grab lots of things, beauty stuff, tampons, everything that Ms. James needed and my phone charger. I started to walk out to the place to buy the things. "Mummy, shoes?" Elliott said "oh, right!, lets go get you some shoes" I said and kiss his forehead. He smiled and blushed, which was adorable. We went into the shoes section and I let Elliott down so he can have a look at the shoes. "Mummy, these look like you shoes" he said. Which they did, they were grey converse. "Mummy I want same shoes as your shoes" he told me. "You want same shoes and mummy's?" I said/asked. And he nodded. I looked around to find his shoe size, it took me a while but I found them. "Elliott, come here I found you some shoes" I said while looking at the price. "Elliott?" I said. I looked lefts and right and didn't see him here where I was. I quickly got up and started running to every place in the shoe section screaming Elliott. I started crying and looking at the same time. I run again through the shoe section, I was about to give up, but then I bump into someone. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry" I said didn't even care who the person was. "Ashley?" The person said. I turned around and looked at him. "Daniel?" I said confused. "What's wrong, are you okay?" He asked me. "I'm not, I lost my son, have you seen him, he has blonde hair and blue eyes and he ha-" "I think I saw a kid like that over here at the toy section while I was walking by" he told me and didn't let me finish my sentence. I than ran to the to the toy section with my bag, but leaving the kart. I run almost dropping things but I don't care. I make it to the toy section. And started looking for him there. I looked and finally I saw him. "Elliott! " I said and hugged him. "Mummy" he said. "Listen do not run away like that, you could have been hurt" I told him. "Sorry mummy" he said and hugged me. "Its okay, just don't run away like that" I whispered in his ear. I picked him up. I turned around and see Daniel looking at us. "Thank you" I said to him. "It's no probably, are you still going on that date tomorrow?" He said/asked me. "I don't know, I have another child, but then I guess kidnapped her from me, and I didn't know if you would like me sense I have children" I said with kissing Elliott on the forehead. "Im sorry they took your child away from you, and I don't care if you have children or not, I'll love you forever, even if you don't love me back, and I will love your children and be a father for them" he told me. "It's okay if you don't want to go to a fancy dinner, we could go to Nando's, or I'll wait until your ready to go to a date" he told said. "No, um, yea I'll go to Nando's with you tomorrow like at 3 in the afternoon" I said. "Yea, that's perfect" he said. Behind Daniel, I see Simon, I froze. "Well. I got to get going, I'll see you tomorrow" I said. "Yea" he said. We then hugged and I felt butterflies. I haven't felt those butterflies in forever. "Say bye to Daniel, Elliott" I told him. "Bye Mr." Elliott said which made me giggle and Daniel laughed. We both headed different directions. Daniel probably bumping into Simon, sense Simon was behind him. And me going back to the shoe section to see if the kart is still there. I walk kinda walk quickly, cause I didn't feel like talking to Simon. I want to not talk to them. Sense they letter that Emily and Daisy said, was to avoid them and I can have Eleanor back. I go back to the kart, luckily it was still there. "Elliott look I found these shoes that look like mummy's" I said as grab the shoes. "I want these" he said. "Let me see if they fit you" I said and tried them on him. "Do they hurt your feet?" I asked him. "Yes mummy" he said and ran to the mirror next to the kart and ran back to me. "I like these" he said. "Take them off please" I told him.he started to take them off. "Hey Ashley" someone said and touched my shoulder. I screamed a little and then turned around to see who it was. Simon. "Goodbye" I said to him. I picked up the shoes Elliott wanted then I picked up Elliott and putting him in the kart, and started walking to get Elliott some socks. "Ashley we need to talk" he said to me, but I kept walking. "Ashley you can't ignore me forever" he said. I turned into the clothing section for kids. I grab some socks and some shirts and shorts and pants for Elliott, while Simon still begging me to listen to him. I then went walking to the cashiers place to paid for all this stuff. "Ashley" Simon said and then he turned me around and kissed me. But I felt nothing, I just kinda felt weird. After the kiss, I didn't want to be rude so, I just smiled and started walking again. "Can we talk now" he said. "So you think that oh a kiss will make me talk to you, and that everythin is fine, and that I'll go back to you and become a family again, if your thinking that, then your stupid" I said and started making a line to pay.
I finished paying all the things I got, and started to put them in bags. I put the bags in the kart and started walking out the store. I walked back to my car and started putting the things behind my car. I then help Elliott in his booster seat. I put the kart to the side so it's not in my way. I get in the car and started driving home/ Ms. James house.

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