School, and Best Friend (crappy)

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Ashley's Pov
"Who's ready for school" I asked them, while I was at a stop light. "Mmmmeeee" they both said.
I pulled up to the school, and parked at a parking space. I got out and than I unbuckled them both. I grab each of their hands and walked to their class room. I see that the teacher is outside the classroom, shaking the parents and the students hand. We walked up to the classroom. "Hello, I'm Ms. Garcia, and I'll be their teacher for the year." She told me and shook my hand. "Hello, I'm Ashley, and this is Eleanor and Elliott" I told her. "Hiii" Elliott said and waved. Eleanor just waved, she looked sad. "Well, class is about to start, would you guys like to get into your seats" Ms. Garcia asked the kids. Elliott nodded and Eleanor just went behind my legs. "Have a good day at school, be nice, and remember listen to Ms. Garcia, please, and make lots of friends!" I told Elliott, while giving him a hug. He ran into the classroom and sat at a table, with boys, and already started to play trucks with them. "Eleanor, go inside, have a great day, make friends, and listen to Ms. Garcia" I said while giving her a hug. "Nooo, leave" she told while starting to cry. "Oh hun, but look, you get to learn, and play in the playground, remember, swings, monkey bars, slides" I said, trying to calm her down. "Noooo, I wanna go home, and be with daddy and you, and El" she said crying. "Daddy is coming, after school, and than we are going to the sidemen house, to eat, your favorite food in the world" I said. "Nado's?" She said, trying to say Nandos. "Yea. But you can't cry, anymore, promise because if you cry, you make me cry" I said with a sad face. "Pinky promise" she said. With a smile. "Yeah!, now have a good time, make friends and enjoy school, okay" I said while giving a hug. "Okay, bye mummy, I loveS you" she said and ran off. "LoveS you too" I said and got up. I watched them play for a little seeing that they both made some friends. I smiled and soon walked back to my car.

Eleanor's Pov

I sat on a table, by myself, seeing everyone playing dollies, and trucks. I put my backpack and lunch in my cubby. And wait for learning time. "Can, I sit here?" A girl asked. She was pretty, brown long hair, green eyes, and she is taller than me, by a crayon.
I nodded. "I be back" the girl said, I saw her put her bag next to my cubby, she soon came back and sat next to me. "What's you name?" She asked me. "Eleanor" I said, looking down at my hands. "Mines, Abbie, heyy you want to be best friends" she asked me. "Rwlly!" I said with excitement. "Rwlly" she said and hugged me. "You wanna play monkey bars, after class" she asked. "You like monkey bars!" I said. "Yeah!" She said.
"Alright everyone, please sit down in your chairs, its time to learn" Ms. Garcia said. Everyone sat down, me and Abbie were already, but these two girls came, and sat down in our table. They look like they use what mummy does for her face, makeup. "Hi" Abbie said to them. "Don't, Don't, talk to me, you, guys aren't my friends" That girl said to the both of us. "Yeah, you guys are dummies" the other girl said.
"Don't listen to them, they are dummies" Abbie whispered in my eye. I giggled. "Please, everyone take out a crayon" Ms. Garcia said. I took out my favorite color, green. "You like green, me too!" Abbie said while holding mine and her green crayons up in the air. "Pink, is better" the girl in front of me said. I ignored her.

*Recess Time/ Playground*

"Eleanor come on lets go to the monkey bars" Abbie said while grabbing my hand. We ran over there and started the monkey bars. We played all playground time at the monkey bars.
We played for a long time, but soon it's was over, and we had to go in side to eat lunch. "Everyone, grab your lunch bag and line up by the door" Ms. Garcia said. I grad my lunch and lined with Abbie, in front of me. We walked to the lunch room (Cafeteria). "Hey wanna sit next to me?" Abbie asked me. "Yeah" I said, we ran to a table, far away from the others, and started to eat. "What did your mummy get you for lunch" I asked Abbie . "My, mummy didn't make me anything, I don't have a mummy, she moved far, far away." She told me. "Ohh, I'm sowwy, ummm what did you get for lunch" I said, while munching on my orange slices. "I got, a orange, annndd a juice box" she said. I started to feel sad, so I gave her half my sandwich. "Here, eat this part of my sandwich" I said and gave her half of my sandwich. "Why?" She asked. "Because your my best friend silly" I said. We started to eat but than, my brother and his friend came. "Hi Eleanor, hi Eleanor's best friend, can we sit here" Elliott asked. I nodded. "Abbie, this is my brother Elliott and I don't know who he is" I said as I pointed to the boys." but Elliott this is my best friend Abbie" I said while eating. "Eleanor and Eleanor's best friend, Abbie, this is my best friend Jason, and Jason this is my sister Eleanor and her best friend Abbie" Elliott said. We all ate lunch and soon started to go to the class, to learn numbers.

Ashley's Pov

"How do you think they did in school" Simon asked me. "I think they did great, and you?" I said. "Same, just I don't know, there growing up to fast" Simon said. I nodded, we were waiting at the gates of school, waiting for the bell to ring. "I'm hungry" Simon said. "Me too" I said while rubbing my stomach.
The bell soon rings and than I see two little figures coming towards us. "Mummy, Daddy!" They said and running towards us. Me and Simon both got on our knees, and was tackled by hugs. "How was school, did you guys have fun?" Simon asked, while holding Elliott hand, and me holding Eleanor's hand. "It was amazing, I made a best friend, her name is Abbie, and I gave her half my sandwich" Abbie said. "That's nice of you, sweetie" I said while buckling her. "How was your day Elliott" I asked. "It was awesome, I made a best friend too and his name is Jason, we played trucks together" he said. "Awesome!, whenever you want them to come over, they can, but they need permission from their parents, first okay?" I said. "Okey Dokey" they said. "Now we're going to the sidemen house, but soon go home since you guys have homework to do" I said. "Mummy" Elliott said. "Yes?" I said turning around facing him, since I am not driving and Simon is. "Eleanor said we are eating Nandos, are we?" He asked. "Yes we are!" Simon said. Everyone cheered and I just smiled, I'm happy this is my family.

Craopy chapter, but im really sleepy, but its spring break so chapter everyday! Wooo

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