Coming Home, And Being A Mommy

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Ashley's Pov

*2 months later*

After many months of stress, driving back home and back to the hospital everyday, I finally get to take Elliott and Eleanor home!

Its 6am right now, I've only slept for about 2 hours, because I was uploading a video, but I couldn't care less. Today I get to take Elliott and Eleanor home! Before, I get out of bed, I wanted to see if anyone wants to see a vlog. '@Ashley1441: Hey guys, just curious if anyone wants to see a vlog soon, anyone interested?, it's a very special vlog :P'.  Many tweets reply and said yes. 'Better get my camera' I said. "Hey guys, soo today is a very special day for me, because today Elliott and Eleanor get to come home!" I said to the camera while jumping around. "If you guys don't know who they are, they are my babies, yes I am a mother, and no they don't have a farther, but I'm willing to be both for them, anyways.. its about to be 7am, and I'm about to get ready, see ya when I'm done getting ready." I said and smiled. I turned off the camera, and dance my way to the shower. Once I got out of the shower, I put on black skinny jeans on, an white oversized sweater, some white converse. I put makeup on and curled my hair and put a white bow.

Once I was already, I got the diaper bag, got my phone and the camera, and headed to the car. I put the diaper bag in the backseats and I also made sure the car seats were okay. I finally get into the car, and drove to the hospital.

Once I pulled up in the parking lot, I decided to record aliitle before I entered. "Hey guys, so I'm in the parking lot of the hospital right now, just wanted to well say hi, and I might not upload alot of videos, but I will try my hardest to atleast upload 2 a week, and just wanted to say I loves you,and and I won't forget about you guys, and right now I'm just thinking how my life is gonna change, it's something that I know I'm not ready for, but I'm willing to do everything to make it seem like I was ready for this new adventure and that I could do this on my own..., and with out further details let go see my angles." I said smiling to the camera. I turned off my camera, took a deep breath, and got out of my car, I get the car seats and the diaper bag and headed inside the hospital.

The front ladies said to go to room 212. While I was walking in the hallway,  I got scared, 'I'm alone on this, I have friends that are willing to help, but I'm a mother a single mother raising two children, is this really a adventure want to take, well of course I'm gonna take the adventure, but do I want to be alone on this adventure..' Many thoughts going through my mind, making me feel scared, worried. I tryed to avoid them, but the voice is still there, I took a deep breath and made it to room. 212, I slowly opened the door and see a nurse and a doctor checking Elliott and Eleanor. "Hello, are you Ashley?" The nurse asked. "Yes I am." I said with a smile. "Oh well, we were just checking if they are ready to go home." She said "Elliot and Eleanor are ready, have a good temperature, eat well, and breath good, they are ready to go home." The doctor said. "Any questions?" The doctor asked. "No, not at all." I replied. They both excused them selfs and let me change them into their going home outfits. I set the diaper bag on the floor and the car seats as well. Before I stared to change them, I vlog little, "weelll, I'm in the hospital right now and in the room, I'm about to go change my little angles and yaa, see you guys soon." I said and smiled to the camera. Both Eleanor and Elliott were looking at me. I started to make werid faces at them, I got to see Eleanor's teeth less smile and Elliott's as well. The nurse told me they finished eating, so I don't need to feed them until 1pm. I got Elliott first change his diaper, and put him in his outfit (Elliott and Eleanor's outfits are the image) then put him in his car seat. I got Eleanor changed her diaper and changed her into her outfit and put her in her car seat. I decided to update again, "Hey guys soo I just finished changing Elliott and Eleanor into their outfits and now there in their car seats ready to leave, now I just have to sign them out and go home!" I said excited. "See you guys soon." I said and turned off the camera. I cleaned up the mess, got the diaper bag and both the car seats, which Elanor and Elliott were in, and went to go signed them out.

I signed them out, and headed to my car. I set them down just for a second so I could put the diaper bag in the passenger seat. I opened the back door and got Eleanor first put her in the car making sure she was okay and the I closed the door. I ran to the other side of the car with Elliott and put him in the car as well making sure he was okay. I finally get into the car and drove home. Once I pulled up into my driveway, I took a deep breath, and got the diaper bag and Elliott and Eleanor out of the car and into the house safely. Both of them were wide awake but weren't crying, they were just looking around. I got them out and put them into these baby swings, because I was really hungry and it's about to be 1pm soon they are gonna be hungry as well. I decided to have a sandwich with some strawberries on the side, and my drink was just water. And for Elliott and Eleanor it was just milk. I got my camera out and to update. "Hey guys we're in my house finally!, we all are eating right now, well not me yet, they are, but I will soon, hopefully, but anyways I think I'm gonna end it off there, because I'm really tired, but I will put some pictures at the end so you could see what I was doing from 2pm till the time we all slept, did that make any sense, I think not, but anyways hope you guys enjoy this video vlog thing, leave a like and an comment if want to see more of these types of videos, and soon I'll put a FIFA video out soon, anyways have a great day everyday and loves you." I said and waved goodbye.

*5 hours later*

It was about to be bed time for all of us, I decided to give both Elliott and Eleanor a bath, Eleanor loved the water, but Elliott hated it, I got them dressed for bed and gave them a bottle and put them in a crib that was next to my bed. (My mom always did that, she wouldn't let us sleep in the nursery room until I was 7 months old). They were asleep and so I quickly got in the shower myself and got into my pj's. I wasn't that sleepy so I started to edit the video.

It was 10pm and I finished editing and I scheduled the video for 12pm tomorrow, I turned of my computer and went to sleep.

Hey guys just wanted to say thanks for the comments and votes and reads, hope you enjoy might put another chapter today not sure, anyways loves you-izzy

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