I'm Sorry, Love her because you never loved me

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Ashley's Pov (Elliott and Eleanor are 4 btw..)

I woke up at 6am just to get ready before the kids do. I grad my towel and headed to the shower. In the shower all my cuts, burned but I didn't really care, I'm use to it.. 
Once, I finished I wrapped my towel around my small body, before I went to the bedroom, I wanted to weigh myself. I got on the scale, 99 pounds. "Fatty" I mumbled to myself, I put the scale back into the cadinents in the bathroom and went to go change. I put on my undergarments and than some high waisted black jeans, with a gray long sleeve crop top, with some black and white converse. For my blue hair, I straighten it and put a black bow on and left my bangs down. After that I did my makeup, and than went to go make some breakfast for the kids.

"Elliot wakey wakey, its time to go to school" I said while shaking him gently. "Okaii" he said. He than stand up and went to downstairs to eat what I cooked for him, and served on the dinner table. "One up now the other" I said to myself, I than went to Eleanor "Hey baby girl, time to get up" it said while opening the blinds from the window. "Noooooo." She mumbled. "You don't wanna see Abbie today" I said in a sad tone. "Yess!" She said while sitting up on her bed. "Than lets get ready for school!" I told her. She got up and ran downstairs to eat. While they were eating I cleaned a bit in their room, made the beds, and picked up the toys off the floor. After that I went downstairs with them. "Mummy, are we going to the side's house?" Eleanor asked. I giggled. "Mmmmmm, maybe for a little bit" I said. "Yea!" She said.

When they finished eating, I tooked them up for there bath time. "No splashing" I said, but I knew they were gonna do it anyways. After their bath time we went to there rooms to change. "So whatcha wanna wear today?" I asked them. "Jeans and shirt!" They said at the same time. I laughed. I picked them out a shirt and jeans, like they told me they wanted. "Mummy don't help me, I could do it" Eleanor said. "Mummy help me" Elliott said while almost putting his head through a arm hole. I laughed and helped him get dressed. "Mummy.... help me" Eleanor said. I than helped her. "Mummy can you put my hair in mohawk?" Elliott asked. "Sure thing sweetie" I said while kissing the top of his head. "Mummy can you put my hair innn aaaa braid?!" She said while thinking. "Sureee thing sweetheart" I said. I kissed her on the top of the her head like I did with Elliott. I put her hair in a side braid, with her bangs down, and a small green bow that matches her green shirt. "Okay, are you guys ready?" I asked while I got my black bag. "Yea!" They said. "You brush your teeth, have everything in your backpacks, and got your lunches, good and ready to go?"  I asked. "Yesh mummy!" They both said while laughing. "Okay than lets go then" I said. I buckled them in their car seats and headed to their schools.

"Have a nice day, I LoveS You guys so much" I said while hugging them in front of there classroom. "Come on Eleanor lets me a table so me and, and Jason, and, and Abbie and you could sit at." Elliott said. Eleanor grad Elliott's hand and ran into the classroom. "Bye mummy!" They both said. I waved and got up from my knees and went to my car. "Starbucks time" I said while putting my seat belt on.

I got myself a my Chocolate covered strawberry frappuccino, after tha I went home to clean up and make some videos.

Eleanor's Pov

"Let's get this table" I said to Elliott. He shaked his head up and down. "Eleanorrr!" Someone came up and hugged me. I turned around. "Abbbbiiieee!" I said while hugging her. "Where you sitting, can I sit next to you?" She said. "Yeah!, we sit here" I said as I pointed at the table. "Lets put away our stuff in our cubbies" she said. We put our stuff in the same cubbies sense the cubbies were big. We than ran to our table. "No running!" Ms. Garcia said. "Sorry, Ms. Garcia." Me and Abbie said. "Hi Jason!" Abbie said. "Hii!" He said. He than put his stuff in a cubbie and came back to our table. "Oooo, I forgot, our mummy said that if you wanna come to our home, you can, you just need your mummy and daddy to say it's okay" Elliott said. I nodded in agreement. "I'll ask my mummy if I could go tomorrow" Jason said. "Abbie can you come to our home tomorrow?" I asked her. "I dunno if my daddy would let me" she said, while looking down at her hands. "It's okay, if you can't go, but ask you daddy if you can" I said trying to cheer her up. She just nodded. "Alright boys and girls, let get started, everyone sit down in a table and grab a crayon out" Ms. Garcia said. I opened my pencil box thingy and got my favorite color green. "Hey your green crayon, matches your shirt and your bow" Abbie said.
I nodded while laughing. "Okay class, everyone quiet down" Ms. Garcia said.

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