Party, Party, and Shopping!

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Ashley's Pov

*Elliott and Eleanor are 11 months and 2 weeks*

It's 8am, a nice day out, not to hot, not to cold, perfect weather. Today I plan on going to the mall, alone with Elliott and Eleanor, to get some party decorations. Elliott and Eleanor are turning 1 soon, so I thought why not have a small party. I'm gonna invite some high school friends, and maybe even the sidemen. I'm also happy that I moved on from Simon, I wouldn't mind if I see him, or even talk to him. Maybe I will invite him to the party. I sat there thinking, just thinking about, when Elliott is gonna need advice and I can't give to him, or when he gets to make something for father's day at school, but he doesn't have a father, or when he asks why does his friends have a father, but he doesn't. Many thoughts came into my head, but I decided to ignore them, and go take a shower, before Elliott and Eleanor wake up. Once, I finished taking a shower, I put on a (Her outfit is in the image) blue high waisted skirt, and a grey shirt, and for shoes I just put dark blue converse, my hair I decided to straighten it and make up I keep simple. Once I was ready, I went to go eat breakfast. I had some pancakes with some fruit and water. I finished eating, cleaned the kitchen. I decided to go wake up Eleanor and Elliott, cause it was about to be 10am. I than changed them and went downstairs to the kitchen and put them in their highchairs. I gave them some cut up fruit and some cut up pancakes, with some apple juice. Finally when they finished eating, I gave them a bath and than dressed them, I dressed Elliott in some baby sweats pants and a long selves shirt, and for Eleanor I dressed her in pink sweats pants, with a grey long sleves shirt. I left Elliott down and I put Eleanor's hair in two pigtails with her bangs down. I decided they should have a nap before we go, I checked my phone to see what time it was and it was about to be 2pm. I put bibs on them and gave them there bottles. Once they both fell asleep in their cribs I thought to shoot a video. I tweeted out what video to do and many said a QnA. Soon then I tweeted again. "Hey Loves* many of you guys told me to do a QnA, so I AM, leave your questions with the #AskAsh , very creative. I know, =P" I than put my phone on do not disturb, and than got ready to record.

"Hey Guys its me Ashley, and soo today, I asked you guys on twitter to ask me questions with the #AskAsh, you guys on it trending in the Uk, soo thank you for that, so now lets answer some questions." "First question is what three top animals are your favorites?" "Three top animals are.. monkey, dogs, andd dolphins!" "Next question how are Elliott and Eleanor doing?" "Elliott and Eleanor are doing great they're turning 1 in two weeks, but both of them are doing very well." Many questions were answered, until Eleanor started to wake up. "Weelll, that's gonna be it for today, thanks for the questions, have a great day everyday, loves you, byebye!" I turned off the camera and went to the nursery. Eleanor sitting down in her crib and Elliott just looking around the room. I left them in their cribs, so I could make sure the diaper bag was good to go. I than changed Elliott diaper, and than Eleanor's diaper, fixed their hair and than left the house. While in the car, Blank Space by Taylor Swift came on, and was singing along with it. Finally when we got there, I took out a stroller and put Elliott in there, and I put Eleanor in a baby carrier, cause she was kinda anger. I got the diaper bag and put in under the stroller, and finally went shopping. I went into a baby store, were it had some clothes and stuff for babies. I got some clothes for Eleanor and Elliott, both of them still fit in 6-9 months clothes. I got many cute clothes like leggings, shirts, overalls, shoes for them. I than went to a party place, for the party theme, I just put mickey mouse and minnie. I got some cute ears that the guests could have on if they want. Many friends texted me and said they will come, which I'm excited, I haven't seen them in years! I still haven't told the sidemen, but I might text Tobi or Josh if they all wanna come. I went to many other stores after that, I was leaving Victoria Secret when I heard my name being called. I looked right and left, but didn't see anyone except some old people sitting down in some chairs. 'I must be going crazy' I said to myself. I continued to walk and than again I turned around and see the sidemen except Vikk and Simon. They all came up to me and gave me hugs. "What you doing here?" Harry asked. "I'm having a party in some weeks and I needed to get some decorations." I said. "Who's the party for?" Josh said while he took out Elliott from the stroller. "Elliott and Eleanor, they're turning 1 in two weeks, so I thought why not have a small get together." I answered him. "And you didn't invite us!" Jj scream. "I was, I was gonna text you guys and asked you guys today!" I said back to him. "Oh well than" he said in shocked. We laughed and talked for a while than they have to go. I gave them all hugs and left off. It was nice seing them again. I knew why they left, they were in a rush, I saw why though, Simon and Vikk were coming over here. I guess they think, I'll have a panic attack, if I see him again. Well, they thought wrong. I went to the ca, put Elliott and Eleanor in their car seats, and than I put my shopping bags and stroller in the back, and than I drove home.

Once, we got home, it was about to be 6pm, so I gave Elliott and Eleanor a bath, than put them in cute pj's, and gave them bottles. I just ate an apple, we all watched TV, and played a little in the play room. Soon, both of them became to sleepy, so I put them in their cribs, and they fell asleep. I closed the nursery door, and than myself went into the shower put my pj's on, and than edit the QnA, and thannn fell asleep.

Hey guys sorry i didn't update sooner, it was my BIRTHDAY and many friends invite me to go places, and so did my boyfriend. Sorry guys, anyways sorry for a Crappy chapter next chapter is gonna be good. ~loves you <3

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