Grocery shopping and Hiding (Part 3)

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Ashley's Pov

Finally, I'm at the store, I got a cart, and put Elliott and Eleanor in the Shopping Car seat. (The grocery store that I go to has two seat for babies soo). Once, I put them in, I started shopping.

I got everything I needed. I check my list, and I realize I forgot the bread. I went over there, I wanted to get out of this store fast, because Eleanor is getting anger, and I was really tired. 

I finally got to the place where the bread was, I got the right bread, and was gonna get another one, but I saw Simon. I didn't make eye contact, but still I could see him from the corner of my eye. I left the bread and got the cart and left as fast as I can. I was rushing and started to have anxiety.

I came back into the real world, when I bumped into a cart.

"I'm so sorry!" I said to the person. I then made sure Elliott and Eleanor were okay.

"Ashley?" The man said

I looked up and see it was Josh, great..

"Hello" I said quietly.

"How you been, haven't talk to you in a while" he said

"I've been great, and you?" I said, hopefully this will end the conversation soon.

"I've been great thanks, They grown up so much" He said while pinching Eleanor's and Elliott's cheeks. "I've got to get going, can I have your number, so we can chat, maybe we can go somewhere, just to hang out, with the others, and have a good time, like the old days" He added on.

"You can ask Tobi, ya he has it, I got to get going, its their nap time soon, I don't want them to have a tantrum in the middle of the store" I said as I hugged him

"Okay, have a nice day." He said

"You too." I said and left. I didn't want to be here anymore, I wanna just be home. I paid for the food, and put the food in the back of the car. I grab Eleanor and put her in the car seat, than I grad Elliott and put him in his car seat. I than got in the car, and drove home, frustrated, worried.

I got everything and Eleanor and Elliott in the home, I looked at the time and it was 5pm. I decided to give Eleanor and Elliott a bath, to get them ready for bed. Once, I finished dressing them, I gave them each a bottle.

Its now 7pm, Elliott finally went to sleep, but Eleanor hasn't. I put Elliott in his crib, and I grad Eleanor and rocked her in the rocking chair. She teething, which sucks, she finally went to sleep, but at 9pm. I was really stressed out, the groceries still weren't put away, I haven't finished my homework, and I feel really insecure. I took a deep breath, and started to put the groceries away.

When I was in the middle of putting the groceries away, a whining came from the monitor. I put down the bread and ran upstairs. I opened the door, and see Eleanor wanting to cry, I grad her, and took her into my room, so she wouldn't wake Elliott up. I cuddled her for a long time, and sang to her, she started to clam down. I grad her pacifier, and put it in her mouth. I sang to her, and soon she fell to sleep. I picked her up and put her in her crib. I checked Elliott made sure he was okay, than I went back into the kitchen to finish putting the groceries away. I finally finished putting everything away and than started to do homework, at 1am..

I finished half of my homework I was way to stress to do the rest, I took a shower and went to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day...

*Next Day*

It was 8am, I'm way to tired, I still got up and made me some coffee. The coffee woke me up a little, but I was still sleepy. I looked outside and see, it was raining again, I went outside, even though it was really cold, I enjoyed it. I went back inside to start making breakfast, I decided to have a fruit salad and some water. I wanted to start eating healthy, because I was way to insecure. I soon heard a whine coming from the monitor, I went upstairs and open the door and see Elliott, him standing, holding on to the crib, I always smiled at him, he would always give me his teeth less smile back. I loved him so much, I didn't want anything to happen to him. I grad him and gave him his morning hug. I than change him and went downstairs so Eleanor could sleep still. I let him crawl around, but still kept an eye on him. He looked alot like me, his eyes were like mine, and his hair was like mine, before I started to dye it. He started to get hungry, so I gave him a bottle. Eleanor soon woke up, I put Elliott in his highchair and made sure me was seated right. I than went upstairs to get Eleanor. I changed her, and gave her her morning hug, than went to go feed her. We all stayed in our pj's, having a great time, we watched some Disney movies like The Lion King, Tinker Bell. I had a good day just hanging out with my little Eleanor and Elliott. My family..

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