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I woke up super early and got ready for the first day of school

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I woke up super early and got ready for the first day of school. I'm finally a senior! I can't wait to graduate. My dream is of course to go to college and study English. I enjoy reading but writing is my passion. I love all kinds of writing, from poems and stories to journalism and essays.

I know my family can't afford to send me to college so I work extra hard in school. I'm a straight A student and I have been getting offers for track scholarships.

Daniela was honking her horn signaling it was time to go. Me and my brother rushed rushed outside and he pushed me so that he can sit in the front seat. He has a huge crush on Daniela. He probably thinks he has a chance since he's in the eleventh grade now. I laughed to myself at the thought of Elijah and Daniela together.

"Good morning beautiful." he said to her.
"Good morning baby brother." She replied with a smirk on her face. He just frowned.

When we finally got to school, Elijah went his separate way while me and Daniela went to find our class.

We were heading towards our class when a group of stupid boys started joking around and making comments about us. This is the main reason I hate school. I can't stand to be around people that don't have the same mental capacity as me. Daniela just laughed it off but I felt uncomfortable.

I was about to open the door when a hand stopped me. I looked up and saw one of the boys that was talking about us. He was so tall and the caramel tone covered his freckled covered face. His hair had tiny delicate curls that looked like each had been gently place to perfection. Then there were his eyes. They were brown, but shaped in a perfect almond. They looked hand crafted, like someone took the time out to make the prettiest eyes. I couldn't help but stare.

"I'm sorry about my friends back there. They can be immature." he said.

I saw him laughing at what they were saying back there so I knew he was lying. I just rolled my eyes and pushed past him. He might've been cute but class and intelligence out weighs beauty any day.

"What was that about?" Daniela asked as I sat down next to her. Just when I was about to reply, Pretty Eyes and his goons entered and sat right behind us.

I just sighed. "I'll tell you later." The bell rang and class began. This is going to be a long year.

The rest of the day was fine. Me and Daniela made sure to schedule all the same classes. Next we headed to the cafeteria, got our food and decided to sit outside since it is a nice day.

As soon as we sat down on a bench, the same group of boys made their way towards us. I silently groaned and Daniela just laughed. Once they were out of sight, Daniela began to laugh loud and obnoxiously.

"You're funny." she said wiping her eyes.
"How?" I asked confused.
"You just gave that boy a death glare."

I didn't realize I was staring at him. I just really can't stand him or those boys. People that walk around school like they own it irritates me.

"Hey sis." Elijah came up from behind me and gave me a hug.

"Hey handsome." Daniela said making him blush. All I could do was laugh.

For the rest of lunch Elijah just complained about how much he hated all the girls in his classes flirting with him. He is so dramatic.

The second half of the day went by really fast. I just want to go home and get out of this uniform. Me and Daniela were in the car waiting for Elijah. What is taking him so long?

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him kissing some girl. "Daniela, look." I said while pointing at them.

"We should go mess with them." she said.

Before I could say anything she got out of the car and made her way over there. She walked right in between them and grabbed Elijah by his ear and dragged him to the car.

"What did you do that for?" he asked
"I don't have time to be waiting for you," she said, "you over there kissing some girl and got me wasting my gas!" I was dying of laughter.

"Are you jealous?" he asked with a grin. "If you want me, say so."

I can't deal with these two. They're too much. "Can we go home now?" I asked. The rest of the ride was silent.

After Daniela dropped us off, I did my homework and then got ready for work.

"Why was Daniela so mad?" Elijah asked as he made his way into my room and laid out on my bed.

"She was joking around. Nothing serious." Elijah nodded his head.

"Who was that girl anyway?" I asked and he began to laugh.

"Aww little brother has a girlfriend." I said while punching his cheeks.

"No! She's just a side chick. I'm saving myself for Daniela."

I slapped him behind his head. "She doesn't want you and you better treat that little girl right."

"Alright, alright." he said after giving me a hug.

Once he left my room, I got a text from Daniela saying she is outside. Me and Daniela work together at a book store. It's a really easy job since people hardly come in.


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