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I was so excited

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I was so excited. Track practice started today. Daniela didn't plan on running this year. She said she wanted to try cheerleading.

"Alright ladies 10 laps." the coach said. All the girls groaned. I was happy. I just couldn't wait to get back on the track.

"Ready," he said as I took my mark. "Go!" he yelled. All the other girls ran as fast as the could and I started off slow. I didn't want to run out of breath too fast.

"Zoey." the coach yelled and motioned me over to him.

"Yes coach?" I said and got a drink of water.

"You are the best returning runner. Would you like to be the captain?" he asked me. On the inside I'm screaming.

"Of course. I'd love to be captain." I answered as cool as possible.

I went back to running then noticed Daniela in the bleachers talking to someone. It's Pretty Eyes. What does he want. They were laughing and then they waved at me. I smiled and waved back while finishing my last lap.

"You looked good out there." Daniela smiled and handed me my gym bag.

"Thanks but it would've been more fun if you were with me." I said as we hugged.

Pretty Eyes started to make his way over to us. He looks like he just came from practice. I wonder if he plays basketball.

"The coach said he wants me to be captain!" I said. Daniela cheered and gave me a hug.

"Congratulations." Pretty Eyes said and then flashed a smile.

"Why do you keep popping up? Are you stalking me or something?" I asked and he just started laughing.

"No. I was leaving basketball practice and I saw you running," he said. "You're really fast."

"I know." I replied.

"So, me and some friends are going skating tomorrow night. Do you guys want to come?" he asked us.

Before I could reply Daniela told him yes. He smiled and then told me he was going to text me the information. Then he left.

"Why did you tell him yes?" I asked Daniela. I have school and work to worry about.

"Because Cayman likes you." She said. There is no way he likes me.

"No he doesn't. We just met." I said.

"Zoey, he likes you. He already told me he was going to ask us if we wanted to go skating when I was talking to him in the bleachers."

How could he like me and we haven't even had a decent conversation? He's cute and he seems nice but I don't like him, just his face.


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