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I sat in the cafeteria drawing in my sketch book

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I sat in the cafeteria drawing in my sketch book. I looked at her from across the room. Her smile is amazing.

"Bro just go over there. You look like a creep." My friend Keith said.

"I'm not even looking at her." I'm lying.

"You're drawing her right now."

Okay, maybe I am. Her face is great for art. It's so symmetrical. Her eyes are big beautiful orbs of dark brown. Her curly light brown hair is gorgeous.

"I mean she's cute but her friend is fine. I'm tryna get to know her."

"That's Daniela. She's hilarious. I can text Zoey and try to set something up if you want."

"You just need an excuse to text her." He's right.

Me- I have a friend for Daniela

Zoey- Uh okay... Who?

Me- Keith. It can be like a blind date

Zoey- OMG! she was just talking about him. Let's do it 🤗

I looked up from my phone and saw Zoey smiling at me. I smiled back. Her smile makes me speechless.

I've had a crush on Zoey since the ninth grade. My locker was across from hers and every morning I would stare and draw her. I sound like a creep.

That summer I told myself I was going to talk to her but I never got the chance to. My parents got a divorce and I went to live with my dad because according to him, "a white woman doesn't know how to raise a young black man in America." I had to move back home due to some disagreements.

On the first day of school I was so happy to see her. She was prettier than I remembered, but she didn't remember me.

"Zoey!" I yelled out as she left the track.

"Hey" she smiled.

"Are you walking home? I can give you a ride if you want." I said. Tone it down Cayman, you sound thirsty.

"Okay, thanks."

We got into the car and she had this weird expression on her face. Does my car stink? Do I stink? My palms started to get sweaty. She thinks I stink. What am I going to do? I did just come from basketball practice. Why would I invite her into the car knowing that I stink. I'm an idiot.

"Where do you think we should take Keith and Daniela?" She finally spoke and broke the uncomfortable silence. Maybe that was her thinking face.

"What about a movie?" I suggested.

"Nah, that's too cliche. How about laser tag? Daniela loves shooting stuff and arcade games."

"Daniela sounds like a crazy person." I said as I pulled up to her house.

"She is not" Zoey said with a chuckle. "So on Saturday we'll 'accidentally' bump into each other and then set them up."

"Sounds good to me."


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