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Saturday came and I headed to Cayman's house

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Saturday came and I headed to Cayman's house. I really don't want to help him but charity is a good thing and I don't want his future to be ruined because of one bad grade.

I knocked on the door and the same pregnant white lady answered. She looks like a hippy. She had long flowing blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"Hello young one," she said with an airy tone, "you must be the girl that's helping my son."

"Yeah, I'm Zoey."

"Zoey in Greek means life," she informed me while grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs.

"Call me Amber. Cayman is in there still sleeping. He had a wild night. I'll be back later. I have a drum circle in a few minutes."

She left and I stood outside Cayman's room somewhat confused. I gently knocked on the door and there was no response.

I slowly opened his door and instantly the smell of alcohol filled my nose. This boy got drunk again.

As I walked further into the room, I saw Cayman knocked out. One of his legs was hanging out of the bed and his mouth was wide open.

I did not come here to waste my Saturday. I walked closer to his bed and yanked his blanket off of him. He didn't have on a shirt and still had on jeans from the night before.

"Mom!" he yelled, "Leave me alone!"

"Boy I'm not your momma!" I yelled back.

Cayman jumped out his sleep and grabbed the blanket to cover himself. He had an embarrassed look on his face. I giggled a little.

"Zoey you're early. How'd you get in here?"

"Actually I'm on time and your mom let me in."

"Can you give me some time to get dressed?"

I left his room and started to wander around his house. The house looks more like a studio than a traditional house. It's so artsy looking. There were masks and paintings everywhere. Maybe his mom is an artist.

I was sitting in what I think is the living room playing with some crystals that were in the table when Cayman walked in.

"That's rose quartz. It's suppose to help with love and fertility."

I quickly put the stone down. I'm definitely not trying to get pregnant.

"Why'd you put it down so fast? You believe that stuff?" He laughed.

"Well your mom is pregnant and I'm not taking any chances"

"Zoey you're a smart girl. I would think you understood where babies come from."

"Ever heard of immaculate conception?" We both laughed.

"Well let's get this math stuff out the way. You've already wasted thirty five minutes of my time." I said.

We walked back to his room. I sat at his desk and he stretched out on his freshly made bed.


Me and Cayman spent all day doing homework and studying. I helped him with calculus and he actually isn't dumb. He just doesn't listen.

"Thanks for everything" he said while walking me out.

"No problem. You just need to listen and slow down and you'll be a math genius in no time."

"You really think so?"

"Of course. You do have one of the smartest people in school helping you." We both laughed.

"And don't waste my time again next Saturday."

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