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I made my way to the car

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I made my way to the car. "Good morning," I said to Daniela with a smile.

"Hey, where's Elijah?" she asked.

"He's probably texting one of his side chicks." Daniela started to laugh in disbelief. Then Elijah finally came out the house. He was smiling down at his phone. He is not slick and I'm not having it. I refuse to see my brother mess around with a bunch of girls.

We got to school early, so me and Daniela sat in front of my locker and talked.

"Look," she pointed at Pretty Eyes, I mean Cayman...no Pretty Eyes sounds better. Anyway, Pretty Eyes was walking towards us.

"Hey, Zoey right?" he asked with a smile. Why is he so cute? His soft looking caramel skin, pretty eyes, perfectly straight teeth, and curly hair. What am I taking about? He's cute but I don't have time to be thinking about him.

"Hey," I said with a friendly smile.

"Cayman, Cayman!" I heard some one yelling. Desiree. I really don't like her. She thinks the sun doesn't rise until she wakes up. I really can't stand her kind.

"Why are you talking to her?" She asked Pretty Eyes while giving me an evil look. I don't want her man if that is what she thinks. This girl has dated every boy on every sports team. I guess she has found a new victim.

"Why were you talking to my man, hoe?" she said. That was my cue to leave. I don't like drama but Daniela is the complete opposite. She said some things I rather not repeat. Then we went to first period.

Pretty Eyes came in the class shortly after and took his seat behind me. "Sorry," he whispered. I ignored him. Class was boring of course.

At lunch we sat in our normal spot and then Pretty Eyes came. "Hey Zoey. I didn't get to ask you for your number this morning."

Before I could say anything Daniela jumped in. "You really think she's going to give you her number after you let your girl call her out of her name?"

He just stood there and Elijah looked confused. "No," I said. Then he got down on his knees and begged.

"Please Zoey, please!" He pleaded loudly which caused people to stare. I was so embarrassed. I sighed. He wasn't going to shut up until I gave him my number.

"Give me your phone." he smiled and got off the ground.


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