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Homecoming and Halloween are on the same day this year so me and Daniela were looking for costumes for the dance

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Homecoming and Halloween are on the same day this year so me and Daniela were looking for costumes for the dance. She's been begging me to go with her and Keith for weeks and I finally agreed so she'd shut up.

"These costumes are racist!" Daniela yelled out. "Why would anyone want to be a slutty Native American?"

"Ignorance, capitalism, and white supremacy. That's why." I said.

We continued to browse through the costumes until Daniela found something.

"Are you going to the game before the dance?" Daniela asked.

"Did you know that most schools have a football team that plays for homecoming?" I asked in an attempt to dodge the question.

"Well schools here don't have football teams miss know-it-all. You just don't want to go because you're still trying to ignore Cayman."

I rolled my eyes at her. That's not even why. She knows how drained I get from being around large crowds for a long time. I mentally cannot handle a basketball game and a dance.

"You haven't spoken to that boy in a month and he's back with Desiree so he probably won't even speak to you."

"Whatever Daniela."


I only have an hour before the dance and I was getting ready. I settled on a Black Panther inspired costume. I definitely would have been apart of the movement if I was alive in the 70s and my Afro would've been legendary.

"You look like you're about to kill some police." Elijah laughed while coming into my room dressed as Michael Jackson from Bad.

"And you look stupid with that wig on."

"You're a hater" he said after taking a seat in my bed. "You missed the most epic game of the season. Cayman was dunking on niggas left and right."

"Good for him." I said dryly.

"The lack of school spirit you have is repulsive." Elijah said while moonwalking out my room. I couldn't hold in my laugh.


The gym was packed with people in so many different costumes and the sounds of bubblegum mumble rap blasted through the speakers.

"Zoey!" Daniela yelled over the noise.

"You two look so cute." I admired Daniela and Keith's costumes. They were dressed like Whitley and Dwayne from A Different World.

"Girl, you're serving Angela Davis greatness." Keith complemented me. I actually don't have a strong dislike for him anymore. We're friends now.

We all danced to the loud music and took picture. I'm actually having fun but I know my social battery is running low.

"Hey yall." And now I'm at 1%. Time to go home and recharge.

Cayman and Desiree approached us dressed like Jay-Z and Beyoncé. The blatant disrespect to my President and her husband. How dare they.

"Zoey you are so brave," Desiree said and I looked at her confused. "It takes someone with real courage to walk out the house with nappy hair."

I should slap the small ounce of black she does have right out of her self hating body.

"Come on Desiree, that was rude and unnecessary." Cayman spoke up.

"I'm just saying. Only poor people walk around with nappy hair." She said with a smirk.

Daniela was about to say something but I pulled her back.

"Listen here dusty. I love my hair and I'll unapologetically wave my blackness around just to offend idiots like you. I no longer wish to speak to this bald headed, self hating, Beyoncé disrespecting, hoe." I walked away from the conversation after I got that off my chest.

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