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"Just promise you'll be nice

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"Just promise you'll be nice." Cayman begged over the phone.

He decided to call me before I went to hang out with Desiree.

"Okay. I promise to be as nice as my mental will allow me."

We started to talk about other stuff and then I hung up and got dressed. Desiree wanted to go to the mall.

After a long car ride full of Daniela talking trash about Cayman's little girlfriend, we finally arrived.

"Hey girls." Desiree greeted us and attempted to give me a hug.

The three of us walked through the mall and had small talk. Desiree was coming off less annoying than usual. Then we decided to get some food.

We sat in the food court and Desiree was spilling all the tea about people in our school. She definitely had me and Daniela intrigued.

"Excuse me," some fine looking guy came over and tapped Desiree on the shoulder, "I just wanted to come over here and say that you three are very beautiful."

Desiree was blushing at the compliment and then she gave the boy her number. He walked away and Desiree was still smiling.

"Uh don't you have a boyfriend?" Daniela asked.

"I can have friends."

"I don't think that boy wanted to be you friend" I chimed in.

"How about you mind your business." She spat back.

I wanted to reach over the table and grab her but Cayman said to be nice so that's what I'll try to do.

"And Cayman is one of many. He's my future meal ticket."

I couldn't believe that she was this bold. Why would you tell his friends this.

Me and Daniela got up and left.

"Can you believe that hoe. She's not about to do my friend dirty. We have to tell him." Daniela said.


We were at my house and Daniela was doing her internet investigations. She found out that Desiree was talking to at least three other guys.

"Let's take the receipts and go to his house." Daniela said.

"I don't know about that. He really likes Desiree and I don't want to hurt him."

"Well Desiree is going to hurt him if he finds out his own."

She's right.

We headed to Cayman's house and his mom let us in.

"Zoey, my little ray of sunshine, what are you doing here?"

"Hey Amber, I need to speak to Cayman."

"You know where he is." She stepped to the side and me and Daniela made our way up to his room.

"Shouldn't y'all be with Desiree?" He questioned.

We filled him in on everything and Daniela showed him the screenshots. He looked disappointed.

"We're you're friends and we had to tell you. Please don't be mad at us." I said.

He got up from his chair and sat in between Daniela and I. He pulled out his phone and called Desiree. The phone was on speaker.

This is going to be good. I wish I had some popcorn.

"Hey baby." She answered the phone.

"I'm breaking up with you."

Before she could say anything he hung up the phone. Well that wasn't as juicy as I thought it was going to be.

"Here." He handed me the phone and I looked at him confused.

"Block her from everything. I can't even look at that girl right now."

I did as told with the help of Daniela since I have no clue how to work these social media apps.

Keith came over and we spent the rest of the day eating ice cream and consoling Cayman.

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