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"Zoey lets go, I'm ready to see my future wife

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"Zoey lets go, I'm ready to see my future wife." Elijah yelled.

"Boy shut up!" I yelled back. I was trying to find something to wear that had the school colors for the basketball game. After I finally found an outfit we walked to school.

It was packed in the gym, probably because this is the first game of the season. I've never been to a basketball game at school before. This should be fun.

We found a seat and then saw Daniela. She looked so cute in her cheerleader outfit.

"Hey guys" Daniela said while walking to us.

"Daniela you look so good. When are you going to stop plying games and marry me?" Elijah asked. Instead of saying anything, she walked away.

"She wants me." Elijah said. I couldn't hold in my laughter.

Eventually, the team ran out and everyone started screaming. Cayman came out and all the screaming got louder. I just don't under stand.

The team actually won. I'm surprised. Usually the basketball team is terrible.

Me and Elijah were standing outside waiting outside for Daniela. After a while she finally came out with Cayman next to her.

"You did so good." I cheered while giving her a hug.

"Thanks. I was so nervous." she said.

"Hey Zoey." Cayman said. "There's a celebration party tonight. Y'all should come."

Absolutely not. I really don't want to go to a party.

"Yeah I'm definitely going." Elijah responded before anyone else could.

"Sorry man, the party is for seniors only."

Elijah stormed off towards Daniela's car and Daniela said we'd be there. Once again she's speaking for me.

When we got to the car I was ready to fight.

"I'm getting sick of you speaking for me. I'm not going."

"Girl calm down. I thought you said you were going to try new things and come out of your shell. This is our Senior year. Live and have fun for once. You're boring." Daniela ranted.

I know she didn't just call me out like that. I rolled my eyes and looked down at my hands. Maybe she's right. I never do anything out of my comfort zone.

"She's right Zoey. Just go have some fun before school starts getting difficult." Elijah tried to reason with me. I guess he's right too.

"Fine, I'll go but this is a one time thing."


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