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Three months have passed and now there's only five weeks until prom

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Three months have passed and now there's only five weeks until prom. I've been so stressed out with these scholarship applications and school work. I'm ready to graduate but first I have to ace all my tests.

Me and Cayman were at his house studying for our exams. We've become super study buddies. I help him with math and history and he helps me with psychology.

I was sitting on his bed, playing with Hashaan, Cayman's baby brother. He's the cutest baby ever. Cayman told me that his mom went to a sperm bank and the donor was from Kenya. She wanted the baby to be close to his African roots so she gave him a Swahili name. I guess his mom just can't say no to black men.

Hashaan smiled at me while I bounced him up and down. Cayman walked back into the room with a frown.

"I'm starting to think you like my brother more than you like me."

"That's accurate," I said and continued to play with the baby, "he's way cuter than you and he doesn't talk too much."

Cayman sat down next to me and took the baby away. Hashaan giggled and started to hit him in the face.

"So," Cayman said awkwardly after a few minutes of silence, "Prom is next month," he continued and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'm aware of this."

"Are you going with anyone?" he asked nervously.

I really hope this boy is not about to ask me to go with him.

"I'm going with Daniela."

He let out a sigh and dropped the conversation. I'm glad he stopped talking. This was about to be awkward.

We continued to study in silence, aside from a Hashaan making baby sounds.

"Cayman you didn't tell me my Zo bunny was here. How are you beautiful?" Amber said and came into the room to get the baby.

"Hey Amber." I gave her a hug and smiled.

Amber is so cool. She's been teaching me about art and mythology. She even gave me a few crystals to help with my stress levels. I'm convinced those things have powers but Cayman disagrees. 

She left and I started to wander around the room and be nosey. Cayman wasn't paying any attention to me so he didn't notice when I grabbed his sacred sketchbook. He always has it and whenever I try to look at it he freaks out.

The sketchbook was black and looked old. There were creases and tears in the cover along with flower doodles. I opened the book and admired the first drawing. It was amazing. I know Cayman can draw but this is incredible. It was a realistic drawing of a girl sitting in front of her locker. She was writing. The girl looks really familiar. I turned the page and there was another picture of the same girl. Then it hit me. That girl is me. The picture was drawn four years ago. I continued to turn the pages. Each page was covered with my face. I don't know whether to feel flattered or creeped out.

I felt Cayman's presence behind me. He reached around me and grabbed the book.

"You weren't supposed to see those." he looked embarrassed. His cheeks were red and he stared at the floor.

"Fix your face. I love the pictures." I sat beside him and placed my hand on the sketchbook.

"You can have it. I know I seem like a creep."

"Give it to me after you fill all the pages," I said and he smiled. "Draw me now."

He went and sat in a chair at his desk and I sat up on the bed.

"How should I pose?"

"I don't know. Be creative."

I stuck my tongue out and help up a peace sign. Cayman started to laugh while he got all his supplies out.

"Make sure you add some light green. That's my favorite color."

"Stop moving."

I tired my best to keep my face still but I couldn't hold in my laughter. I know I look silly. A few minutes passed and he showed me the completed masterpiece. Impressive.

"Looks great. Now it's my turn." He looked confused but went along with it. We switched places and I worked my magic.

"This is terrible." Cayman chuckled.

I hit him on the chest and he kept laughing.

"You're a hater. This looks good considering the fact that I'm in artist."

"You're right Zoey. I'll cherish this forever." He said which made me smile.

"Now back to this prom thing. Will you go with me?" Cayman asked and nervousness covered his face.

I don't know man. Should I go with him? Or not? I don't want him or other people to get the wrong ideas. But then again we are just friends and he knows that. I really don't want to third wheel with Kieth and Daniela.


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