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We walked into the house party and I didn't know what to do

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We walked into the house party and I didn't know what to do. People were drinking and acting crazy. I was becoming overwhelmed. This just confirmed my reason to not go out in the first place. What was I thinking?

"Just relax and act cool." Daniela said over the music.

"You've never been to a party either, how do you know what to do?" I asked.

"Girl, I've seen all the House Party movies. Shut up."

We both laughed and decided to dance together. I should've brought my own water bottle or something. I watch the news and I'm not trying to get drugged.

I'm actually having fun besides the fact that I'm thirsty.

"Are you ready to go?" Daniela asked. I checked my phone and saw that it was almost midnight.

We started walking out and saw a big group of people laughing. Some of them had their phones out recording whatever was going on.

When we got closer to the scene I was shocked. Cayman was on the ground passed out in his own vomit. Oh Lord.

"We should help him." Daniela said in a panic. We pushed through the crowd and tried to help him up. People just watched as we struggled.

"Come on Cayman. Ugh." We were finally able to get him in the car. Daniela drive and I sat in the back with Cayman's head in my lap.

"Please don't die. At least not in my arms." I didn't know what to do. He wasn't moving but he is breathing. That's good I guess.

His phone started to ring. "Answer it." Daniela yelled. Why me?

"Hi I'm Zoey. I'm with Cayman and he isn't feeling very well. Can you text me your address so that we can bring him home?"

His mother sent me the address and off we went. She didn't even sound worried about him.

"Zoey?"Cayman struggled.

"I'm right here. You're going to be alright." I said while rubbing his head.

When we finally got to his house, me and Daniela did our best to get Cayman to the door. We knocked and a pregnant white lady answered. Are we at the right house? She was very earthy looking. Is this is mother? Is she a hippy?

"Thank you so much girls," she said. "He does this all the time. I don't know what's wrong with him. Usually Keith brings him home."

I hope Cayman is alright. He may end up dead or something.


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