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"So how did your tutoring session go on Saturday?" Daniela asked while we were  sitting outside eating lunch

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"So how did your tutoring session go on Saturday?" Daniela asked while we were  sitting outside eating lunch.

I've been helping Cayman for the past three weeks and it's been the same thing over and over again. I go to his house, his mom says some weird hippy stuff to me, then I see him passed out from the night before. I keep telling him that I'm not going to tutor him anymore but then he says it won't happen again. I don't know why I keep falling for that.

"Same as always." I told her.

"That's crazy. He's probably an alcoholic."

I didn't even know that 18 year olds can be alcoholics.

"Daniela, Zoey have y'all seen Cayman?" Keith yelled while running up to us. He looked so worried.

"No. Why?"

"There's some recruiters here that want to speak to him but no one knows where he is. I texted him and he hasn't responded." He said with a look of concern.

He's probably drinking his life away.

"Lets go check on him after school." Daniela suggested.


We arrived and Cayman's house and Keith knocked on the door. No one answered. Daniela started to ring the door bell over and over again and there was still no response.

"I'll call him." Keith said.

After a few minuets and what sounded like begging, Cayman opened the door. He looked awful. His eyes were red and there were bags. His close were stained and he smelled terrible.

"Why are y'all here?" He asked with an attitude.

Keith started to explain what happened in school and I pushed Cayman to the side and walked straight into his room.

"Zoey! Zoey!" He called but I ignored him.

I've had enough of him and this drinking. I'm not going to sit by and watch him ruin his future. When I walked into his room I saw four empty bottles of some type of alcohol and another full bottle. I grabbed the full one and then walked into the bathroom and poured it out. Then I went to the kitchen and found more bottles to pour out.

"What the hell are you doing?" He yelled which caused me to jump.

I ignored him and continued to pour out the alcohol. Keith and Daniela watched.

"I'm not going to let you ruin your future over this," I said while holding up the last empty bottle, "You're way too talented and smart to be acting like this."

He looked so angry. Then he started to run towards me. Is he really about to try to put his hands on me? Before he could grab me, Keith stopped him.

"Everyone get out." Cayman said calmly.

You don't have to tell me twice. We all walked out and Cayman slammed the door. He really needs some help.

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