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Me, Daniela, and our moms were at a dress shop trying on prom dresses

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Me, Daniela, and our moms were at a dress shop trying on prom dresses. Prom is in two weeks and we haven't found anything. Dress shopping is way more stressful than tests.

"What about this one?" Daniela came out in a beautiful, short light blue dress with a sweetheart neckline.

"You look gorgeous." her mom said and started to tear up.

After going to three more dress shops, I finally the perfect dress. Just a simple light green dress to match my simple personality.

When we pulled up to my house, the guys were sitting in the porch looking sad. What's up with them? Our moms went into the house and we stayed outside.

"Why y'all look like somebody just died?" Daniela questioned.

Cayman and Keith looked at each other nervously.

"The day of prom is the same day we have to go to North Carolina for orientation." Keith explained.

I'm not upset about that but Daniela looked devastated.

"But we bought our dresses today and we were all supposed to go together." she whined.

He grabbed her hand and the went off to have a private conversation. I already know he's trying to clam Daniela down before she has a temper tantrum.

"I'm sorry Zoey." Cayman said lowly.

"Don't apologize. It's not like you have a choice. I understand." He smiled.

A few minutes later Daniela and Keith came back. She didn't look as upset.

"Since we cant go to prom together, let's go do something fun." Cayman suggested.

"What about the amusement park that just opened." Daniela said and we all agreed.


"I hate you all!" I cried out while upside down on a roller coaster.

I let everyone convince me to get on this death trap and I automatically started to regret it. They were laughing when we got off the ride.

"You're such a baby," Cayman joked and I shoved him.

"I'm not getting on any more rides."

We walked around the park and decided to play some games.

"Let's shoot some stuff." Daniela grabbed my hand and we ran over to the game.

We played a lot of games and Keith won Daniela a giant teddy bear. They are so lame. I won myself an elephant and Cayman got a giant inflatable hammer. He kept hitting us with it. He's annoying.

Today was actually fun. Now I'm sad that they won't be around for prom. We would've had so much fun together.

"Come on Zoey, let's take a picture." Cayman said.

He came and sat next to me. We both made a silly face and then laughed. 

This has been one of the best days ever.

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