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I've been a high school graduate for a month now and I feel like a new man

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I've been a high school graduate for a month now and I feel like a new man. Today is the last day of my very short vacation since basketball conditioning and all that good stuff is coming up.

I decided to head to Zoey's house to say goodbye. I'm going to miss her so much. She's been a great friend and I really like her.

I knock on her door for the last time and Elijah answered.

"Zoey is in the backyard doing weird stuff" I laugh at him and walk to the back.

He wasn't lying. Zoey hung upside down from a hammock with a book in her hands. Her hair glides across the grass while she rocks back and forth.

I take a quick picture of the scene and then sit down next to her.

"I'm leaving tomorrow" I said softly.

She continues reading her book.

We sit in silence for a few minutes until I decide to hang upside down with her.

"You not light headed yet?" I question, feeling the blood quickly rush to my head.

I sit up and she giggles.

Finally she sits up but continues to stare at her book. Then I heard soft sniffles.

Is she crying?

I gently push the book down and notice tears running down her smooth cheeks.

"Why are you crying?"

She looks down at the grass and starts to wipe away the tears.

"I don't want you to go" she whispers.

I reach over and grab her hand. She turns to face me and we stare into each other's eyes. Her beautiful dark brown eyes are a light red from the tears.

"Don't cry. We'll still see each other during breaks and you're acting like the internet doesn't exist." She cracks a slight smile which makes me to smile.

"And I got you this," I reach into my bag and then hand her a light green journal with daisies that I painted on it.

"Cayman this is beautiful" she said while tracing the flowers with her finger.

"I figured you could use it to write about college and stuff."

She pulls me into a tight hug and the sweet smell of coco butter fills my nose.

"This is for you too."

I hand over the sketchbook with all my drawings of Zoey. She side eyes me and refuses to take the book.

"I told you to give it to me after you finish it dummy."

"But what if I never finish it?"

She rolls her eyes and pushes the book closer to me.

"This will be our excuse to keep in contact and see each other."

She holds out her pinky and I wrap mine around hers.


I put the sketchbook back into my bag and then look up to see Zoey's wide smile in my face.

"I'm going to miss your smile."

She lets out a loud chuckle and her smile gets wider. I don't think I'll ever meet a girl as beautiful as Zoey.

"I guess I'm going to miss your lopsided smile too."

I lean closer to her face and smile. She smiles back and moves towards me, closing the space that existed between us.

I look down at her lips and notice that she's doing the same thing.

Should I kiss her?

She moves a little closer with her head slightly tilted.

Is she about to kiss me?

My heart rate speeds up and the butterflies kick in.

I gently place my hand on her cheek and lean in to kiss her. I don't know where the wave of confidence came from but I like it.

Her soft lips lightly graze mine and I felt a shock.

Then she pushes her lips on to mine while holding my face in place.

She pulls away and I keep my eyes closed.

What just happened?

The End

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