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It's been a month and Daniela and Keith and still together

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It's been a month and Daniela and Keith and still together. They spend every second together. I always become the third wheel. Whenever me and Daniela are together, Keith figures out a way to appear. Then they start doing what girlfriends and boyfriends do and of course I just sit there looking foolish.

"Zoey, there's someone is here to see you." my mom yelled from downstairs.

For what? I really don't feel like getting out my bed and putting on pants.

After having a silent temper tantrum I went downstairs. I rolled my eyes when I saw Daniela. She reached out for a hug and I kindly rejected.

"You two need to talk. I haven't seen Daniela around for a long time and I know you miss each other." my mom said.

"Zoey I'm sorry for putting Keith before you. I miss my best friend." Daniela whined.

"Apology accepted. All I ask is that you don't bring Keith around all the time." I told her.

She agreed and we hugged it out.

"Well that was simple. I thought you two were going to have a big argument." my mom laughed.

I sat in front of my locker talking to Daniela until her little boyfriend arrived with Cayman trailing behind him.

"Hey Danni." Keith said after giving her a kiss.


"Boy, don't you see me talking to my best friend?" She said which shocked me a little bit.

He shrugged and I rolled my eyes. Perhaps I'm invisible to this negro. Before I could curse him out, Cayman tapped my shoulder.

"I'm failing Calculus and Daniela told me that you could help."

"I can help but I'm not going to. I've got other things going on right now. I have college applications, work, track and studying."

"Please help me Zoey. If I don't get my grade up, I can't play basketball and recruiters won't want me." He started to beg, "and I can help you study too."

Well he's not stupid. "Okay. We can study on Saturdays."

"Cool. It's a date." He said.

"It's not but whatever."


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