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"So are you and Cayman a thing?" Daniela asked

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"So are you and Cayman a thing?" Daniela asked.

Me, Daniela and my mom were sitting in the kitchen having girl chat. This is the third time she's asked about my relationship.

"We are friends and that's it. I'm not going to keep telling you this."

"Now Zoey, you have been spending a lot of time with the boy and you were wearing his jacket," my mom made some good points, "When I was in high school, that meant you were dating."

Oh lord. Now my mom is involved.

"Mom, I don't like that boy." I said and then left the table. This conversation is draining.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." she yelled while Daniela followed me to my room.

I let out a loud sigh and laid across my bed. Daniela laid next to me and we both stared at the ceiling.

"Have you ever thought about sex?" she randomly asked after a few minutes of silence.

I sat up and gave her a confused look.

"Stop looking at me like that and answer the question."

"Why are you asking me this?"

She took a deep breath and looked away from me. Did this girl give up the goods to Keith? Eww! I don't need to know this information.

"I've been thinking about doing it with Keith but I'm not sure,"she said nervously, "I trust your opinions and judgement."

"Sex is a big deal. If you trust him and are safe about it then there shouldn't be any problems. I say go for it."

"I guess that makes sense."

We hugged and she appeared relieved.

"Now that that's out the way, let's start our slumber party festivities." Daniela cheered.

The rest of our night was filled with junk food, movies, and talking trash.


Me and Daniela were walking to our lockers and saw a big crowd forming. When we got closer I realized that the crowd was in front of my locker. Why today?

"Zoey!" an irritating high pitch voice yelled out.

I stood there and Desiree appeared right in my face. I've never been this close to her. I think she's using the wrong foundation.

"You stole my man!" she barked and started flailing her arms around and clapping in my face.

Daniela gave me a look and I shook my head. I can fight my own battles.

The entire senior class surrounded us and laughed at Desiree's antics. She's too over the top. I still stood there with an uninterested look.

"I'm gonna beat your ass!" Everyone was hyping her up and I laughed to myself. Who a-word? Not my a-word.

She gave me a shove and I immediately dropped my backpack. I really don't want to fight but she's asking for it.

She pushed me again and I started my countdown. I balled up my fists and waited for her to hit me. Please make my day.

"You scared?" she questioned with a small grin.

Just as I lunged towards her, I was grabbed out of the air and dragged away.

Keith threw me over his shoulder like I'm a rag doll and Cayman followed with my backpack.

"Put me down." I said calmly.

"Not until we're a good distance away."

"I can't believe you were really about to fight her and risk your entire future." Daniela scolded me.

I rolled my eyes because she was ready to jump in a few minutes ago. Hypocrite.

"I wasn't going to fight her. I was going to pop her in the mouth. That's it." I explained.

"Is anyone else freaked out about how calm she is?" Cayman asked and we all laughed.

The bell rang and everyone started to walk to class. Cayman grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. My heart beat sped up.

"I'll handle it." he said and walked to class, still holding my hand.

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