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I woke up early and got ready for the long day ahead

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I woke up early and got ready for the long day ahead. I have school and work directly after. I'd have to do my homework at the store.

After getting dress, I went down stairs to eat.

"Good morning ZoZo" Elijah said.

"I need to talk to you" I told him and he rolled his eyes.

"If this is about the pictures, I didn't know the girl was going to sent them. I didn't even ask. Don't tell mommy." He pleaded.

"Whatever. I don't care about the pictures. I just want you to know that you can talk to me about anything, I don't want you hiding things." I told him and he smiled.

We decided to walk to school together. When we got there, he walked off to be with a group of boys. I walked in the opposite direction to my locker. When I got there, Daniela was already there doing homework.

"Did you do the math homework? I don't understand it at all." I smiled.

English is like my husband and math is my side piece. My love for math is indescribable. I know what I sound lame, but math is great. Everything involves math.

I helped Daniela with her homework and she seemed satisfied. "I swear you need to be a teacher. I only understand things when you teach them."

Then we began to walk to class. Suddenly someone yelled Daniela's name. She quickly looked back and then started walking faster. I looked back and noticed the boy from the skating rink that Daniela gave her number to.

"Where's my hug?" He asked. Daniela quickly gave him a side hug and walked away.

"I gave that boy my number at the skating rink and he always texts me talking about himself. He's not even cute enough to be so conceited." I laughed at her while we walked into the classroom. Just as the bell rang, Pretty Eyes walked into the class with a giant canvas.

"Alright class, we're doing group work today. Make groups of two or three people." our teacher said.

Of course Daniela is going to be my partner. I don't like anyone else in the class.

"Can I be in your group?" Pretty Eyes asked. All these girls want to work with him but he decides to come to us. Lord why?

"Of course bae" Daniela said then he sat down next to her. We had to prepare a presentation on the book we read over the summer.

"We should exchange numbers." Daniela said. I give Cayman my phone since I deleted his number the first time and he gave his to Daniela. I saw he saved his name as "Cayman😍💛." I immediately changed it to "Pretty Eyes😒." No one told him he could have cute emojis next to his name.

For the rest of the period we talked about the presentation. Pretty Eyes is actually pretty smart. I'm surprised.

"If you don't date Cayman, I will." Daniela said. I ignored her and continued to stack books on the shelf.

"Girl, he is so fine. Those eyes and his freckles. His smile. Too fine!" Daniela continued. Pretty Eyes is good looking but I don't really care for him. Plus, he's with Desiree so I'm definitely not his type.

"You can have him." I said.

"I'm about to do some research on him. There's no way he's gone to our school for four years." Daniela then she started to type away on her phone. Within a few minutes, Daniela pulled up all his social media accounts.

"Look at his throwback picture he posted a few weeks ago." She said. It was a picture of some boy with a lot of acne, glasses, and an afro. Then I remembered.

Freshman year his locker was across from mine. I never knew his name but I always thought he was cute. He was always alone, lost in his own world. I never saw him around people. Then sophomore year he wasn't there.

"That's Cayman?" I asked.

"Girl yes. Puberty was kind to him." Daniela said.

"I think he looked cuter then." I said.

"Well he's fine now." She said.

A few hours later our shift was over and Daniela dropped me off at home. Just as I walked through the door, I got a text.

Pretty Eyes😒- when are we going to start working on the project?

Me- whenever

Then I made my way back to my room to get ready for bed.

Pretty Eyes😒- why do I feel like you dislike me?

I don't understand why he is trying to have a conversation right now. I don't dislike him. I was going to send him a text but I "fell asleep."


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