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Cayman has been pretty depressed since the breakup

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Cayman has been pretty depressed since the breakup. We've been taking turns hanging out with him after school mainly to make sure he doesn't start drinking again.

"How do you live like this?" Cayman questioned. He's at my house and we're studying for midterms. He was stretched out on my bed and I was sitting on the floor.

"Live like what?"

"Everything is everywhere. You need to clean your room."

"My room isn't dirty it's just cluttered but everything is in it's place. I have a system."


We continued to go over the work until Cayman got distracted.

"You're not even listening to me." I whined and watched him scroll through his phone.

"Why don't you have any social media?" He asked.

"It's called self care. There's so much going on in the world and not being in tune all the time is good for my mental health." I explained.

"But you're missing out on Snapchat filters."

"I don't even know what that is."

He came on the floor and sat besides me. His phone camera was facing us. Then he pressed some stuff and I had dog ears. That's stupid.

"I bet the government is using snapchat's facial recognition." I said and he started to laugh.

"Just smile for the picture. You think too much."

I smiled and he said he posted it. I hit him and he laughed more.

"Why would you post the picture." I snatched his phone and tried to figure out how to delete the photo.

"Calm down. You look fine." He said and then started to take more pictures of me.

"You're so annoying."


I was in class trying to focus on my test but I kept thinking about food. I probably should've ate breakfast this morning. At least today is the last day of school before winter break.

The final bell of the day rang and I walked to Daniela's car.

"How was testing?" She asked.

"You already know I passed. Now let's go eat."

The guys met us at a deli and we all ate and joked around.

"I can't wait for the new year so we can finally graduate." Keith said and we all agreed.

"I'm ready for basketball season to start back up." Cayman chimed in.

"We should go ice skating tomorrow." Daniela suggested randomly.

"Black people don't ice skate." Keith said and everyone laughed.

"Boy shut up. Black people can do everything." I said.

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