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I sat on the floor in my room sketching

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I sat on the floor in my room sketching. I can't believe I just tried to get physical with her. Maybe I am just like my dad. An alcoholic who beats women. I don't want to be like him. Zoey was right. I am ruining my future.

"Cayman my little crocodile" my mom said while gently knocking on the door.

"Come in."

She came and sat beside me and grabbed my face.

"I spoke with your coach earlier. He said there were some recruiters at school but you weren't there."

"I wasn't feeling well." I lied to her.

"Have you been drinking again? And tell the truth. I saw all the bottles in the trash."

I told her everything that happened earlier and she looked upset.

"You know better than that. After everything your dad but us through."

"I'm sorry mom."

"Don't apologize to me. You need to talk to Zoey. I really liked that girl and it's pretty obvious that you like her too." she said and grabbed my sketchbook. I was drawing her. Again.


I got to school early today so that I could apologize to Zoey. I saw her at her locker and I got nervous. She probably doesn't want to see me. I don't blame her.

After a quick pep talk I walked over to her. She saw me coming and rolled her eyes.

"Zoey can I talk to you?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes again and slammed her locker. She looked me up and down and walked away. I guess I deserved that.

I spent the entire day trying to talk to her but she ignored me. I sent her a few texts and she blocked my number. She didn't even sit with us at lunch. I couldn't focus during practice either.

"Cayman" someone yelled out while I was leaving the gym. When I turned around I saw Desiree jogging over.

What does she want?

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