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Saturday came around and Elijah's snores woke me up

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Saturday came around and Elijah's snores woke me up. I guess he had another nightmare. I looked down at my phone and noticed that Cayman had texted me. I ignored the text. I have an English essay due Monday. I don't have time to go skating. Daniela will just have to go skating without me.

I attempted to get out of bed quietly so that I wouldn't wake up Elijah. Unfortunately, that plan failed when his phone went off. He jumped out of his sleep and looked at his phone smiling.

"What you smiling about?" I asked. His smile quickly disappeared and he turned off his phone. He must be hiding something. Before he could say anything, I lunged at him and took  his phone. He started to hit me with the pillow while I unlocked his phone.

"Stop it Zoey!" He yelled as I typed the final number.

I almost had a heart attack when the phone opened and I was bombarded with a picture of a naked girl.

"Ewwww Elijah! Who is this?" I asked. He quickly took the phone out of my hand.

"Don't worry about it." He replied.

I shook my head. "I'm telling mommy!" I yelled and then ran down the steps. He chased after me. I stopped in my tracks and grinned.

"Good morning mother dearest." I said while hugging my mom.

She smiled. "What were you two doing up there?" She asked.

"Just bonding." Elijah replied before I could answer.

Then there was a knock at the door. Before anyone could answer, Daniela let herself in. Our home was her home.

"Good morning Miss. Diana" she said.

"Hey baby" my mother replied and then went upstairs to get ready for work. My mom is a librarian. She was an English major until she met my dad and dropped out when she found out she was having me. That's where my love fore literature and writing comes from.

My dad is in the military. He doesn't fight on the front lines though. He helps develop the weapons that the soldiers use. Right now he's in Japan. I haven't seen him in three months.

"Do you know what you're going to wear tonight?" Daniela asked me. I rolled my eyes.

"I have too much work to worry about." I told her.

"We can do our homework now and still have time to get ready to go." She said very convincingly.

"Fine." I said while rolling my eyes.

We went up to my room and Daniela layer across my bed while I sat at my desk doing home work.

"You're so boring." Daniel said. I didn't reply, I just kept doing my homework. I don't care if people think I'm boring. I think I'm just focused on my goals.


We paid the guy for our skates and then went to go put them on. I didn't even know that people still skate.

"There's bae." Daniela said while pointing to Pretty Eyes.

"Eww" I said while laughing. He was surrounded by girls. I just hope he didn't notice us.

"Let's go." Daniela cheered and grabbed my hand. We enter end the rink and attempted to skate. I was having a lot of fun. Daniela fell and I started laughing. I tried to help her up but I ended up falling too. We just sat on the ground laughing.

"Do y'all need some help?" a familiar voice asked. I looked up and Cayman was holding out his hands for us to grab.

"I can tell you two don't skate very often. " he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Why would we? This isn't the 80s." Daniela snapped back. Only she would have such a smart comment.

We did a few more laps with Pretty Eyes trailing behind.  I started to get hungry so I left Daniela and skated to the snack  line. The line was so long and I'm starving.

"A large fry and orange soda please." I told the cashier. Before I could give them my money, a hand reached in front of me and payed.

"I got you." a certain someone said. I'm slightly sick of hearing his voice. He's weird. He just pops up out of the blue. I don't know how I feel about him.

I turned around and saw Cayman. "I don't  get a thank you?" he asked.

"Nope. You irritate me." I told him. Then he put his hand over his heart and made a sad face. He said he was trying to be a gentleman but I ignored him and sat down at a table so I could start eating.  He sat across from me.  He just won't give up.

"Can I have a fry?" He asked.

Before I could respond, Desiree stormed her way to the table. She bumped into a few people on the way. Once she made it to the table, I attempted to avoid eye contact. Maybe if I stay still the beast won't see me.

"Why you all up on my man?" She questioned in broken English. She made me so uncomfortable. I didn't know what to say.

"You can't  speak?" She asked as I stumbled over my words.

"She was telling me how much the fries cost." Cayman jumped in to save me. She rolled her eyes and walked away holding Cayman's hand. I don't know why I let her get to me. She talked like she has never read a book. I blame the public school system. 

Then Daniela skated over after giving some guy her number. "Why was she over here? Do I need to knock someone out because you know I will." Daniela said, talking really fast.

I finally calmed her down and then we ate the fries and watched everyone skate. After a hour we we're ready to leave. I still have to finish my essay.

"One of these days I'm going to beat Desiree so badly, she won't remember her own name." Daniela said as we walked pass Cayman and Desiree kissing. I laughed at Daniela's comment but I know she was serious.

"You guys would be so cute together. I just know he likes you." she said. I was ready to slap her.

"He's not my type." I said to her right when we pulled up to my house.

"You don't even know what your type is." she said.


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