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Today is presentation day and Cayman and I are not on speaking terms at the moment

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Today is presentation day and Cayman and I are not on speaking terms at the moment. We shall see how this goes.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" Cayman asked me. I rolled my eyes but agreed.

"I'm sorry for raising my voice at you. It was inappropriate and rude. I just have a lot going on. I drink sometimes and get carried away." He explained. Is this boy an alcoholic?

I guess I should apologize too. I was being dramatic. I just don't like to be yelled at. Especially by men.

"I'm sorry for saying your house wreaks of cultural appropriation." I said with my head down. Now that I've said it in a calm voice, it does sound like a messed up thing to say. But it is true.

"You don't have to apologize. I've been telling my mom that for years." He laughed and I was somewhat relieved.

"We should hug it out." Cayman suggested. I rolled my eyes but went with it. Only for the sake of the project.


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