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It's been a month since Cayman apologized and we're on speaking terms now

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It's been a month since Cayman apologized and we're on speaking terms now. He hangs out with us more often but unfortunately Desiree tags along when she isn't invited.

Me and Daniela were in the bookstore restocking shelves when Keith and Cayman came in. They've been coming here often since they're on a break from basketball until the spring.

"Danni guess what." Keith said while holding on to her.

"Me and Cayman have decided to go to Duke." He said proudly.

We all jumped up and down with excitement and had a group hug.

"Congratulations!" I cheered and Daniela attacked Keith with kisses.

"We should go celebrate." Daniela suggested.

"Celebrate what?" The wicked witch of the west asked to make here presence known.

"I'm going to Duke." Cayman filled her in.

"Baby that's great." She cheered and then started kissing on him.

Keith, Daniela, and I rolled our eyes in unison at the sight.


After work we all went to get smoothies to celebrate. Cayman and Keith went to go talk to some teammates so me, Daniela, and Desiree were sitting in an awkward silence until she decided to speak up.

"Have you girls gotten any acceptances?" She asked us.

"Yes." We said dryly.

Daniela decided to go to Colombia University to major in journalism and I'm going to NYU for law.

"Well I'm going to UNC so I can be close to my man."

I really don't care about her or her college decisions.

"I know we haven't gotten along in the past but I really want to be friends with Cayman's friends. Maybe we can hang out this weekend and get to know each other." Desiree said, almost sounding sincere.

"I guess." Daniela answered for the both of us.

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