New girl- Josie

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A sad frown forms on your face as the car pulls up to the Salvatore boarding school, the headmaster was babbling on about something an so was the auburn haired girl sitting next to him, but you blocked them both out. You didn't want to come to this school, but you didn't have a choice. Your parents were murdered in front of you a a week ago by a vampire, which you now know are real. You're a human and you're being dragged into a supernatural school to be protected.

You haven't spoken a word since your older brother died in front of you three years go. He was 18 and he got hit by a car, you're ere 13 at the time and it massively affected you. You became severely depressed, which you still are. Your brother was your best friend and he was taken from you, ever since then you haven't let anyone in. You don't plan on dying at this school, you'll find a way to sneak out.

"Here we are." Dr Saltzman says and turns the car off.

You remain blank as you her out of the car, grabbing your bag and shutting the door. Hope, you think her name is, offers you a smile but you ignore her. You follow the two over to the school doors where two girls are standing with bright smiles on their faces.

"Y/N, these are my daughter, they'll be showing you around." Dr Saltzman tells you.

"Welcome to the Salvatore School. We're your tour guides." The blonde one says.

"I'm Josie." The brunette says with a welcoming smile.

"I'm Lizzie. Sisters."


"Fraternal, obvs."

You just nod your response; no emotion on your face which makes them frown slightly.

"Y/N doesn't speak," Hope informs which makes you glare at her. "She's a mute."

"That's okay, Y/N," Josie tells you softly. "Why don't we start your tour?"

You nod which makes them smile and gesture for you to follow them. You walk not the school with them, listening to them jabber on about the history of the school but you don't take any of the information in. You're just waiting for them to be distracted so you can sneak off and away from the school.

You get that opportunity ten minutes later when they bump into their friend and start to talk to him. You turn away from them and walk back through the school, heading for the door.

"Where'd the new girl go?" MG asks with a frown.

"Huh?" Lizzie and Josie frown when they realise you're gone.

"Crap," Lizzie mumbles. "I'll check outside." Lizzie says before walking off in the opposite direction.

Josie waves goodbye to MG before making her way to the doors, knowing you're probably finding a way out of the school. Her suspicions are right when she sees you making your way past a group of students and towards the exit.

"Y/N!" Josie calls which makes you sigh and push the doors open, walking towards the school gates. An annoyed frown forms on your face when you realise they're shut. Oh well, you'll just climb them. "Hey!"

You walk faster which makes Josie frown and jog to catch up to you, grabbing your wrist when she can reach you. You snatch your hand away and keep walking, ignoring Josie telling you to stop. Josie siphons some magic from her necklace she got from Hope and she whispers a freezing spell.

"Look, I know you're scared and you want to leave but you can't. We can't release you into the world after what you saw and when that vampire is still after you. We're trying to protect you and we can't do that if you run away. I know you're confused and you want your parents, but you have to stay here. This school is amazing. I've been here since it opened and nothing had ever happened to me. You just have to trust us. Trust me." Josie tells you, the glare never leaving your face.

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