Blackout- Hope/Lizzie/Josie

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Hope's head ached as though she had taken a knockout blow. She easily recognized the after-effects of one of her favorite spells. She lay still for a while, attempting to regain her bearings and a sense of her surroundings without revealing her renewed consciousness. Hope could feel cold, damp earth beneath her and she could hear others breathing nearby. Tension bloomed inside of her chest as she identified the smells of her favorite twins captured alongside her.

"Are you okay, Hope? Lizzie and I have been awake for a while. Did whatever they did to us affect you differently?" Josie asked, shaking Hope's shoulder gently in an attempt to get her to stir. She pulled the small tribrid's head up into her lap and began to anxiously brush the blood-encrusted hair out of her face.

Hope liked where she was. Even though she was awake now, Josie had moved her to her lap and Hope wanted to stay there forever. She could feel the blood rush to her face in a blush. She knew this couldn't last for much longer, but it was nice while it did.

She groaned as the hit her eyes and aggravated the migraine throbbing in the very crown of her head.

"Jo?" Hope asked as she slowly sat back against the other girl's shoulder. "Lizzie? Where are we? What's going on?"

Hope wasn't sure how much strength she had left, but she was willing to do her best if her friends were in any kind of danger.

Lizzie reached out and squeezed Hope's hand tightly. She only gave in to her soft side for a moment; fear in her eyes, but confidence as well. "It's Triad. When Josie was shot, I fainted because of twinliness. When I came to, you were still fighting, barely on your feet, but you hadn't let anyone get close to us. Not one step past you."

"Josie! Josie, are you okay?!" Hope whirled around and tugged at the other girl's collar unthinkingly to reveal a rancid puncture wound, the black lines tracing up her veins, growing dangerously close to her heart. "Oh, fuck,
that's bad, why were you guys worrying about me? There's one go-to cure-all for magical ailments in our world, you know that."

Hope didn't wait for an answer, and even though she didn't have her own set of fangs, she had seen her father use the same trick multiple times. "Avert your eyes, ladies." Hope tugged her sleeve down and sank her teeth into her wrist until a suitable amount of blood was drawn. "Okay, that could have been worse, I guess. Here, Josie, drink."

"You're serious... okay, oh my God." Lizzie sounded nauseous as her sister took Hope's arm in her hands. Josie met Hope's eyes hesitantly as though there were more meaning to the action than either of them realized. There was suddenly a soft pair of lips against Hope's skin and a slight pull from her core. She didn't hear the sound of
Lizzie gagging in the background, she was so absorbed in observing Josie's face.

Her eyes were closed almost blissfully and with the force Hope could feel the blood being pulled from her veins, she was certain there would be bruising around the injury afterward. Hope couldn't tell if Josie was going to be able to stop on her own she was so immersed. Lizzie pulled at Josie's shirt again to reveal the black lines
receding and the wounds slowly healing. Josie's hands began to glow red and Hope could have sworn her lips did as well. Once the wound had completely healed, Lizzie leaned forward and began attempting to peel her sister off of Hope.

"Josie-Josie, you have to stop, that's enough." she tugged and pulled but the brunette twin wasn't budging.

"Motus." Lizzie laid a hand on Hope's knee, siphoned the magic successfully, and still, the spell didn't work. "I knew I should have started working out with you and dad when you invited me." Lizzie hauled back and punched her sister in the face for the first time since they were eight years old.NJosie fell back to the wall with blood still dribbling from the corners of her mouth. Hope was light-headed as Lizzie ripped a strip off of Josie's shirt to tie around Hope's torn open wrist. "Why do I always have to do everything myself?" she tied it tightly and propped a very dizzy Hope Mikaelson up across the cell from her sister. Just in case Josie wanted some more.

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