Jealous Pup- Pizzie

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A/N wolf Penelope

"Baby, I'm home!" Lizzie calls out as she walks through the front door, slipping her shoes off and shutting the door.

She hears paws scatter against the floor and an excited bark follows close behind as the wolf comes charging towards Lizzie, knocking her off her feet and licking her face repeatedly. It wasn't unusual for Lizzie to come home to find Penelope in her wolf form, she finds she does it after a long day.

"Hi, baby! I've missed you!" Lizzie squeals and strokes the large black wolf who's eyes seem to be lit up in excitement

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"Hi, baby! I've missed you!" Lizzie squeals and strokes the large black wolf who's eyes seem to be lit up in excitement. "How's my good girl?" Penelope barks and wags when tail even faster. "Aren't you just the cutest thing ever?" Lizzie coos which makes the wolf lick her cheek. "Yes you are!"

Lizzie giggles and stands up moving to the kitchen, the wolf following her every move right next to her. She pulls a bottle of water out of the fridge and a slice of ham, holding the meat down for the wolf who greedily takes it and eats it with one gulp.

"Rough day, pup?" Lizzie asks which makes the wolf whine. "What happened? Are the interns annoying you again?" The huff she gets in response answers her question. "Do you want to go for a walk?" Penelope barks and wags her tail. "Ok, let me go change."

Lizzie walks up the stairs, thinking Penelope would stay in the kitchen but the first rubbing against her leg tells her otherwise. She strokes the fur on the wolfs head as she walks into their large bedroom. Penelope jumps onto the bed and watched Lizzie undress, her ears sticking up and she whines, pawing at the bed.

Lizzie chuckles and ignores the whining wolf as she slips on some leggings and one of Penelope's thick sweaters, knowing Penelope love seeing her in her clothes especially in wolf form. She smirks at the low growl that comes from the wolf. She puts her hair in a ponytail and puts some sneakers on.

"Come on then." Penelope barks and jumps off the bed, running down the stairs as Lizzie follows with a laugh.

A loud whine comes from the wolf when someone knocks on the door. Lizzie strokes her head before walking over and opening the door to see her sister.

"Hey, Jo." Lizzie greets and lets her sister in.

"Hi." She grins. "Oh, were you going out?" Josie asks.

"Penelope and I were going to go for a walk, but it can wait." Lizzie reassures and shuts the door. "What's up?"

Josie bites her lip and drags Lizzie to sit on the couch. She nervously grabs a box from her pocket and hands it to Lizzie who opens it and gasps.

"Jo, oh my god!" She exclaims. "Are you proposing to Jade?"

"I want to, but I'm scared." Josie frowns. "I've been thinking about it for a while and then I was walking home from the studio and I saw this ring sitting in the window of a shop. It was perfect so I bought it, I was going to go home and set up a romantic dinner for when Jade gets home from the hospital but I freaked. What if she doesn't want to get married?" Josie panies.

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