"You're important to me"- Lizzie

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Lizzie watches with a small frown as you try to get your father's attention who is busy talking to Hope. He doesn't seem to notice you which makes a sad pout form on your face.

You're Hope's twin but because she's the older one she gets all the love. She's ten minutes older than you for god sakes. Anyways, all your life your entire family has chosen Hope over you, they never want to hear what you have to say, they're never proud of anything you do, and they forget about you all the time. You woke up one
day on your birthday and they had only celebrated it with Hope, they just cast you aside and let you fend for yourself.

So much for always and forever.

Things got better when you got to the Salvatore school, you were 7 and the first face you saw was little Lizzie Saltzman. She had pigtails and dungarees. She greeted you with a big hug before introducing you to Josie. You always remember how cute she looked, with her chubby cheeks and her space buns. Ever since then, the three of you have been best friends even though you gained feelings for Lizzie when you were 15,
to hide it for 3 years but Josie's always known, and she wishes she could tell you Lizzie feels the same way, but her sister would kill her if she told you.

The twins know all about your problems with your family and made no move to be friends with your twin, who wasn't your biggest fan either, she loves the attention and it ruined her personality. She's a spoilt brat.

Your family has come to the school to see you and Hope for a few days, but you know they're only there to see Hope.

"If he wasn't supernatural, I'd smack him." Lizzie grumbles to her sister.

"She looks so sad." Josie pouts. "Like a puppy."

"There must be another white oak stake I can find." Lizzie huffs.

"I just want to squish her cheeks." Josie coos.

"Or I could tie him up and torture him. That could be fun." Lizzie weighs her options mentally.

Josie makes cooing noises as you pout even more.

"Cut it out." Lizzie mutters.

"Stop making death threats then." Josie retorts.
Lizzie sighs sadly.

"What kind of father ignores their child?" Josie asks.

Lizzie looks over her her sister. "Ours."

Josie rolls her eyes. "Dad might be distant but at least he shows us he loves us. Y/N's never had that. She's never had a family that loves her."

"Dad, I learnt this really cool spell the other-"

"I'm trying to talk to Hope, Y/N, go away." He scoffs before turning back to Hope.

Tears fill your eyes and you get up, rushing out of the room. The twins immediately follow you.

"Y/N!" They call out as they follow you down the hall.

They follow you all the way out to the gardens and down to where the flower garden is. There's a little hammock there which you like to sit on, it's your thinking space and you've only shared it with the twins.

Lizzie and Josie sit either side of you and try to catch their breaths. "Damn you're fast." Lizzie pants.

You're also a tribrid like you're sister.

"Come on, we want to see that spell." Josie encourages.

"Forget about it." You whisper and wipe your cheeks clean.

"Don't let them bring you down, little M, you're way too good for them anyways." Lizzie tells you.

"Why don't they love me?" You ask, looking up at the twins with teary eyes. "I'm not important to them."

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