Shower time- Hizzie

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A/N I'm updating early bc I have to go to work :)

Ending up half naked and with unresolved sexual tension under Lizzie after she had her hand on Hope's boob for at least ten minutes wasn't how she expected her day to go.

It starts with going to her bathroom, tired and wet from head to toe, throwing her shoes in a mess in her room.

Lizzie is there and Hope can't find it in herself to care, used to finding Lizzie in her room for no reason these past two years.

"Look who the cat dragged in. Decided upon looking like a fish?"

Hope throws her a dirty glare, yet the small smile on her face shows that she isn't serious.

"Not by fault. Someone decided that they could give free showers on the street."

"You just got water because of a car didn't you?"

Hope throws her a glare. "It seems your brain still works well, Lizzie."

Lizzie rolls her eyes, applying her face mask. Hope sees it's that charcoal expensive one Lizzie made her buy two days ago. Judging by her pleased sighs, it seems to work quite well.

"That reminds me of our little adventure two years ago. But I'm pretty sure that my sister is not wanting to sleep with the garden gnome anymore."

"Oh god, please don't remind me of that day. All that work to end up not caring for what they did."

Lizzie doesn't care to give her a reply, sits on the tub and clasps her hands together. Hope sits on the floor, back resting against the wall and Lizzie knows she must be uncomfortable.

"Get in the shower, Hope. I still gotta finish my skincare," says Lizzie.

Hope nods gratefully and Lizzie turns away, gives her privacy.

She sheds her clothes slowly, throws them on a corner on top of other dirty clothes. A pile which she remembers was bigger this morning.

"I did some of your laundry when I came here. Your pile was starting to rival mop head's ashes."

Hope laughs, getting inside the shower and sighing contentedly. Perks of being here: warm showers.

Showering in wolf form was as bad as it sounded. But a girl had to do what she had to do to not end up with lice or smelling like trash.

She could hear Lizzie as she turned the shower on. The blonde was probably putting her skincare products on Hope's cabinet, an attempt at making her use it.

Hope had to laugh. As much as they knew each other, one of the things Hope would never do was keep a regular skincare routine.


A shirt is slipped off.

"Yeah? What is it?"

A pair of pants follow, placed gently on top of the shirt. Hope knows nothing, only opens her eyes and notices Lizzie's shadow closer to the shower.

"Do you have room for one more?"

Hope snickers. "Lizzie, didn't you complain to your dad in 9th grade to change the showers to bigger ones?"

Too busy enjoying the warm water with closed eyes, Hope doesn't notice the shower door opening, Lizzie slipping inside.

"Glad to know my old self had brain cells."

She startles once she sees Lizzie, almost dropping on her ass.

"You're in my shower, Saltzman."

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