Wolf- Hizzie

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It wasn't a full moon that night, not that it mattered for the white wolf.

Her eyes were stark and yellow as she moved through the forest, paws pounding into the ground beneath her. It was dark and, not cold, not yet, but it was getting there. Enough that she could feel it, but not enough to make her shiver.

The wolf paused in her tracks, looking up at the night sky. She resisted the embarrassing urge to howl at the moon.

It kind of looked like a potato chip. The moon.
Well, it didn't. Not at all.

Hope Mikaelson was just really fucking hungry-
No. Her name wasn't Hope Mikaelson. To those who didn't know her, who would never know her, it was Hope Marshall. Marshall, she repeated. Marshall.

She needed to find a way to make it stick, to get used to it. How many years had it been she'd first taken up the name, the face, of Hope Marshall?

She couldn't afford to slip up now. If she knew anything, it was how to keep secrets. Being a tribrid made her a target. Being the only heir of Niklaus Mikaelson made her an even bigger one.

She missed him. God, she missed him.

Hope tore her gaze away from the moon and felt a pang of longing. For what, she told herself she didn't know. She only lowered her head back down, searching the trees around her for the log she'd hidden her clothes in.

When she was sure no one was watching, she shifted back into her human form. It hurt, more than she was expecting it to. Before she knew it, the pain was gone.

Where there once was the white wolf, a naked girl took its place. Hope rolled her shoulders and stretched her limbs out, quickly changing into her clothes.

She needed to sneak back into the school and find something to eat fast, she thought as her stomach rumbled. Very fast.

A faint, quick heartbeat thudded in her sharp ears and Hope froze. The squirrel she'd ran into a couple of minutes ago was starting to sound tempting.

She was too hungry, and the will to hunt was just as strong. But she had never been a slave to her desires, and she wouldn't start that night, she told herself.

Hope tied up the laces of her shoes and began the short walk back to the school, her mind on her next meal. She smirked as she slipped past the gates without triggering the alarm system. Getting inside the school itself was even easier.

The hallways were darkly lit. Silent. It was so damn quiet Hope could hear her own breathing. Everyone else must have been asleep or something. She briefly wondered how late it actually was.

The tribrid went rigid as the tell-tale sound of footsteps reached her ears. Whoever it was, they were coming in her direction. They were also in the way of the kitchen.

Hope knew what that meant- a week of detention for being out after curfew, but only if the person was a teacher. Or Alyssa Chang, the hall monitor.

Her stomach growled again and Hope sighed, making her choice. She ducked her head down and tried to slip past the person without being noticed, but it was no use.

"Look who we have here," they said, grinning dangerously. "And after curfew, no less. That should get you at least a week of detention, Marshall."

Hope inhaled sharply and felt her breath catch in her throat. The familiar scent of expensive perfume flooded her senses. She only knew one person who would feel the need to wear perfume this late at night.

Lizzie. It was Lizzie. Damn it.

How someone could be so hypocritical, Hope would never know. She slowly turned to face the other girl.

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