Attention- Josie

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When you first started dating Josie, you did not expect to find out that she loves more than anything to play video games. GTA, call of duty, red dead redemption, you name and she's got it.
It all started when Lizzie bought her a PS5 for their 14th birthday along with a flat screen tv (she had Kaleb compel it to a cheaper price). She definitely started to regret buying it though, because Josie lived on it.

Everyday after class, Josie would rush back to their room and go online with Penelope, MG and Kaleb, and she would stay on it until she was too tired to move. She didn't leave to get dinner, so Lizzie had to plate it up and bring it to her and still Josie barely ate it. Lizzie got so worried because her sister was barely eating due to being
on her play station all the time, so she used to sit there and feed Josie just to ease her own mind.

Lizzie got used to seeing Josie sat on the end of her bed, dressed in sweatpants and sweaters that she'd wear days on end, her headset on her head and shouting insults at her friends. Lizzie got used to the sound of Josie swearing and the sound of the controller buttons being attacked. She got used to the bright light of the tv screen
as she tried to sleep. She fell asleep to Josie calling her friends cunts and jerk offs.

But when you and Josie started dating, she didn't spend as much time on her games and spent more time with you. Lizzie couldn't be more thankful for you.

Yeah, that only lasted about three months and then Josie became addicted again. You hated it.

Lizzie sighs as she opens the bedroom door to reveal you.

"She's been on call of duty all night. I can't remember the last time she showered." Lizzie tells you and lets you in.

You look over at your girlfriend to see her on the edge of her bed, elbows resting on her knees, headset on her head, controller in her hands, shouting slurs at her friends, wearing sweats and a tank top.

You lean up and kiss Lizzie's cheek. "Go have fun with Hope, I'll get her off."

Lizzie smiles before turning to her sister. "Jo."




"Josette Olivia Saltzman!"

"What?" Josie asks and moves her header off one of her ears.

"I'm leaving." Lizzie tells her.

"Cool." Josie replies with attitude before turning back to her game.

Lizzie glares and walks over to her sister, slapping the back of her head which sends the header flying off her head.

"Lizzie!" Josie exclaims and stands up angrily, standing toe to toe with her sister.

"Acknowledge your fucking girlfriend, dick." Lizzie snaps. "Ignore me, I don't care you've been doing it for years, but don't put your stupid game before Y/N like you do me! She doesn't deserve it!"

Josie softens at her sisters words. "I don't-"

"Don't give me that crap, Josie. Ever since I bought you that stupid machine, you don't care about anything else." Lizzie huffs. "I was ok with it at first but now it's stupid, Josie. I have to sit there and feed you because I worry you're not eating enough because you're always on that god damn play station!"

"What's so bad with me wanting to play it? Besides, it's not like I ask you to feed me." Josie scowls.

Lizzie stares at her in shock before throwing her hands up and scoffing. "I'm not doing this. I'll be staying with Hope for a few days. Feed yourself, you ungrateful bitch."

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